Daily Horoscope 2022/01/06 - 金牛

By Suhail Hany
at 2022-01-06T01:43
at 2022-01-06T01:43
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Daily Horoscope for Thursday 01/06
Dissecting an argument today to figure out who is wrong and who is right isn't
going to do you any good, Taurus. In fact, it may make things worse. If you a
re looking for ways to find blame, you could wind up finding out that everyone
bears some of it. But it doesn't really matter. The most important thing now
is to find a way to make things better, and pointing the finger at someone - e
ven if it's yourself - is not going to help. Be constructive and creative, and
you can get beyond a problematic point rather quickly.
Happy New Year!
May the universe bless you in the most surprising and joyful ways. Happy New Y
Dissect 剖析
Daily Horoscope for Thursday 01/06
Dissecting an argument today to figure out who is wrong and who is right isn't
going to do you any good, Taurus. In fact, it may make things worse. If you a
re looking for ways to find blame, you could wind up finding out that everyone
bears some of it. But it doesn't really matter. The most important thing now
is to find a way to make things better, and pointing the finger at someone - e
ven if it's yourself - is not going to help. Be constructive and creative, and
you can get beyond a problematic point rather quickly.
Happy New Year!
May the universe bless you in the most surprising and joyful ways. Happy New Y
Dissect 剖析
All Comments

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at 2022-01-10T09:22
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By Ida
at 2022-01-06T19:54
at 2022-01-06T19:54

By Hardy
at 2022-01-11T03:33
at 2022-01-11T03:33

By Edith
at 2022-01-06T19:54
at 2022-01-06T19:54

By Olivia
at 2022-01-11T03:33
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