Daily Horoscope 2022/01/25 - 金牛

By Necoo
at 2022-01-25T00:25
at 2022-01-25T00:25
Table of Contents
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 01/25
It may seem as though you keep hitting a punching bag. And despite the fact th
at you are hitting it with all of your might over and over again, it just keep
s bouncing back up. You keep trying, Taurus, but you are starting to feel worn
out. But wouldn't it be a shame to walk away after that next punch, just assu
ming your nemesis was about to pop back up? You are ready to walk away from so
mething, but victory is near. Keep punching.
bounce 反彈
assuming 假設
Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 01/25
It may seem as though you keep hitting a punching bag. And despite the fact th
at you are hitting it with all of your might over and over again, it just keep
s bouncing back up. You keep trying, Taurus, but you are starting to feel worn
out. But wouldn't it be a shame to walk away after that next punch, just assu
ming your nemesis was about to pop back up? You are ready to walk away from so
mething, but victory is near. Keep punching.
bounce 反彈
assuming 假設
All Comments

By Zenobia
at 2022-01-24T06:09
at 2022-01-24T06:09

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at 2022-01-27T07:59
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By Ursula
at 2022-01-24T06:09
at 2022-01-24T06:09
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