Daily Horoscope 2022/01/30 - 金牛

By Queena
at 2022-01-30T00:26
at 2022-01-30T00:26
Table of Contents
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 01/30
It may seem as though every time you turn over another rock, you find another
reason not to move forward with a planned endeavor. The reasons are piling up,
but are they really what you are interpreting them to be, Taurus? Or are thos
e seemingly risky reasons to cut this off products of your own imagination? If
you aren't quite sure that you can see differences between the two, then it m
ight help you to bring in a person you can trust to help you see things more c
learly. Do this before ending something you're already invested in.
endeavor 努力;盡力
pile up 堆積;累積
interpret 理解;詮釋;翻譯
invest 投入;耗費
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 01/30
It may seem as though every time you turn over another rock, you find another
reason not to move forward with a planned endeavor. The reasons are piling up,
but are they really what you are interpreting them to be, Taurus? Or are thos
e seemingly risky reasons to cut this off products of your own imagination? If
you aren't quite sure that you can see differences between the two, then it m
ight help you to bring in a person you can trust to help you see things more c
learly. Do this before ending something you're already invested in.
endeavor 努力;盡力
pile up 堆積;累積
interpret 理解;詮釋;翻譯
invest 投入;耗費
All Comments

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at 2022-02-02T07:01
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