Daily Horoscope 2022/02/12 - 金牛

By Hardy
at 2022-02-12T00:18
at 2022-02-12T00:18
Table of Contents
Daily Horoscope for Saturday 02/12
A simple trick can help you avoid a conflict today, dear Taurus. You may have
to work with someone who really gets your ire up, and you may already be antic
ipating a confrontation, and so you may already be expecting the worst. But if
you first think about what you want to say silently - before opening your mou
th - you can avoid saying something that will instigate a conflict. You don't
really want any trouble today, do you? By doing this, whenever an angry though
t comes to mind, you can create a happier and more fulfilling day for yourself
ire 憤怒
anticipate 預期
instigate 挑起;慫恿
Daily Horoscope for Saturday 02/12
A simple trick can help you avoid a conflict today, dear Taurus. You may have
to work with someone who really gets your ire up, and you may already be antic
ipating a confrontation, and so you may already be expecting the worst. But if
you first think about what you want to say silently - before opening your mou
th - you can avoid saying something that will instigate a conflict. You don't
really want any trouble today, do you? By doing this, whenever an angry though
t comes to mind, you can create a happier and more fulfilling day for yourself
ire 憤怒
anticipate 預期
instigate 挑起;慫恿
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at 2022-02-11T17:22
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