Daily Horoscope 2022/02/20 - 金牛

By Oliver
at 2022-02-20T00:14
at 2022-02-20T00:14
Table of Contents
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 02/20
People are being drawn to you now, Taurus - perhaps because of something you h
ave recently accomplished, or just because you seem like a beacon of calmness
amid a storm. Your warmth and stability are radiating to those who need to be
near you. While it may feel awkward to garner so much attention, if you could
just relax and enjoy the camaraderie, it won't feel awkward at all. There are
people who need to hear your words of wisdom, and you will benefit just as muc
h from sharing those words as the recipients will from hearing them.
drawn 吸引
beacon 燈塔;指標;引路人
amid 在…之中
awkward 彆扭;尷尬;笨拙
garner 獲得;收藏;收集
camaraderie 友情
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 02/20
People are being drawn to you now, Taurus - perhaps because of something you h
ave recently accomplished, or just because you seem like a beacon of calmness
amid a storm. Your warmth and stability are radiating to those who need to be
near you. While it may feel awkward to garner so much attention, if you could
just relax and enjoy the camaraderie, it won't feel awkward at all. There are
people who need to hear your words of wisdom, and you will benefit just as muc
h from sharing those words as the recipients will from hearing them.
drawn 吸引
beacon 燈塔;指標;引路人
amid 在…之中
awkward 彆扭;尷尬;笨拙
garner 獲得;收藏;收集
camaraderie 友情
All Comments

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at 2022-02-21T09:53
at 2022-02-21T09:53

By Bethany
at 2022-02-22T19:32
at 2022-02-22T19:32

By Anonymous
at 2022-02-24T05:12
at 2022-02-24T05:12

By Wallis
at 2022-02-23T15:02
at 2022-02-23T15:02

By Cara
at 2022-02-25T00:41
at 2022-02-25T00:41

By Suhail Hany
at 2022-02-23T15:02
at 2022-02-23T15:02
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