Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07 - 天秤

By Sarah
at 2022-06-07T21:08
at 2022-06-07T21:08
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最近的一次挫折可能會讓你陷入自憐的情緒。 我們都有這樣的時候。 當感覺世界與你為
你生來從不是為了遭受或忍受一次又一次的失敗。 有時候這些經驗或機會會被偽裝成一
次失敗。 去從現在遇到的事情當中盡可能的學習到最多的東西。 思考如何利用這件事、
Libra horoscope for 星期二 6月 7
A recent setback may have pitched you into the kind of mood where you wallow
in self-pity. We all have times like that. When it feels like the world is
against you, it is easy to start believing that you were born to experience
trouble and strife. Nothing could be further from the truth, dear Libra.
You were not born to suffer or endure one failure after another. Sometimes a
lesson or even an opportunity is disguised as a failure. Use what's happening
now to the greatest advantage possible. Figure out how you can leverage it to
make something wonderful happen.
你生來從不是為了遭受或忍受一次又一次的失敗。 有時候這些經驗或機會會被偽裝成一
次失敗。 去從現在遇到的事情當中盡可能的學習到最多的東西。 思考如何利用這件事、
Libra horoscope for 星期二 6月 7
A recent setback may have pitched you into the kind of mood where you wallow
in self-pity. We all have times like that. When it feels like the world is
against you, it is easy to start believing that you were born to experience
trouble and strife. Nothing could be further from the truth, dear Libra.
You were not born to suffer or endure one failure after another. Sometimes a
lesson or even an opportunity is disguised as a failure. Use what's happening
now to the greatest advantage possible. Figure out how you can leverage it to
make something wonderful happen.
All Comments

By Heather
at 2022-06-12T15:37
at 2022-06-12T15:37
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