Daily Horoscope 2022/07/30 - 金牛

By Frederic
at 2022-07-30T01:06
at 2022-07-30T01:06
Table of Contents
You probably believe that a very straightforward and clear-cut approach to pre
senting a goal of yours is the best way to go. You are someone who is direct a
nd you act without pretense, Taurus. But if you could add a bit of flair and e
ven flamboyance to what you share, you will get a lot more notice. Don't take
that as an insult. What you have to offer is certainly significant enough on i
ts own - but not everyone will be able to see that if you don't add a bit of e
xcitement and flair to it.
clear-cut 明確、清晰、乾脆
pretense 偽裝、虛偽、藉口
flair 天賦、才能、鑑別力
flamboyance 浮誇、炫耀、豔麗、火紅
You probably believe that a very straightforward and clear-cut approach to pre
senting a goal of yours is the best way to go. You are someone who is direct a
nd you act without pretense, Taurus. But if you could add a bit of flair and e
ven flamboyance to what you share, you will get a lot more notice. Don't take
that as an insult. What you have to offer is certainly significant enough on i
ts own - but not everyone will be able to see that if you don't add a bit of e
xcitement and flair to it.
clear-cut 明確、清晰、乾脆
pretense 偽裝、虛偽、藉口
flair 天賦、才能、鑑別力
flamboyance 浮誇、炫耀、豔麗、火紅
All Comments

By Gary
at 2022-07-31T21:22
at 2022-07-31T21:22

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at 2022-08-02T17:38
at 2022-08-02T17:38
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