Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31 - 金牛

By Olga
at 2022-07-31T01:01
at 2022-07-31T01:01
Table of Contents
Things are moving ahead at a gallop with a new venture or project, Taurus. Thi
s is not what you had expected, but it is really good news. Even though you ma
y not be prepared to progress so quickly, you need to step back and recognize
how very lucky you are that things are going so well. Even though you may not
feel ready, you will get up to speed if you greet the momentum with a can-do a
ttitude and a flexible approach. This is a good thing.
gallop 疾馳、快速
venture 冒險、賭注
momentum 氣勢、動力、動量
Things are moving ahead at a gallop with a new venture or project, Taurus. Thi
s is not what you had expected, but it is really good news. Even though you ma
y not be prepared to progress so quickly, you need to step back and recognize
how very lucky you are that things are going so well. Even though you may not
feel ready, you will get up to speed if you greet the momentum with a can-do a
ttitude and a flexible approach. This is a good thing.
gallop 疾馳、快速
venture 冒險、賭注
momentum 氣勢、動力、動量
All Comments

By Hedda
at 2022-08-01T21:16
at 2022-08-01T21:16

By Kama
at 2022-08-03T17:32
at 2022-08-03T17:32

By Tracy
at 2022-08-02T05:50
at 2022-08-02T05:50

By Necoo
at 2022-08-04T02:06
at 2022-08-04T02:06

By Liam
at 2022-08-02T05:50
at 2022-08-02T05:50
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