Daily Horoscope 2022/08/06 - 金牛

By Yuri
at 2022-08-06T01:16
at 2022-08-06T01:16
Table of Contents
If you are out for a walk or a run on a sunny day and the sky suddenly opens u
p with a drenching rain, you would probably run for cover. Not only could the
rain bring a chill to your bones; it could also create more hazardous conditio
ns that would be more conducive to slipping. Try to think of a current endeavo
r in your life and a change that is happening now. Although you want to get ah
ead as fast as possible, you need to slow down a bit so that you can navigate
forward safely. This is temporary.
drench 淋雨、淋濕
hazardous 危險、冒險、有害、碰運氣的
conductive 傳導、導電的
endeavor 努力、盡力
If you are out for a walk or a run on a sunny day and the sky suddenly opens u
p with a drenching rain, you would probably run for cover. Not only could the
rain bring a chill to your bones; it could also create more hazardous conditio
ns that would be more conducive to slipping. Try to think of a current endeavo
r in your life and a change that is happening now. Although you want to get ah
ead as fast as possible, you need to slow down a bit so that you can navigate
forward safely. This is temporary.
drench 淋雨、淋濕
hazardous 危險、冒險、有害、碰運氣的
conductive 傳導、導電的
endeavor 努力、盡力
All Comments

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at 2022-08-10T21:21
at 2022-08-10T21:21

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at 2022-08-15T17:27
at 2022-08-15T17:27

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at 2022-08-14T13:10
at 2022-08-14T13:10
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