Daily Horoscope 2022/08/09 - 金牛

By Ina
at 2022-08-09T00:46
at 2022-08-09T00:46
Table of Contents
You may have thought about a problem that could occur in the distance, which e
quates to the somewhat near future. But because you have thought a lot about i
t, Taurus, it has come to seem more real and more immediate. But this is only
an impression, a thought - not an actuality. Don't project a problem on yourse
lf that might never happen. If you do that, it's almost like inviting the prob
lem in to stir up trouble in your life. You can have a plan to handle any issu
es, but don't invest into thinking about that more than that.
equate 等同、相等
somewhat 幾分、約略、稍微
stir up 煽動、策動、挑撥
You may have thought about a problem that could occur in the distance, which e
quates to the somewhat near future. But because you have thought a lot about i
t, Taurus, it has come to seem more real and more immediate. But this is only
an impression, a thought - not an actuality. Don't project a problem on yourse
lf that might never happen. If you do that, it's almost like inviting the prob
lem in to stir up trouble in your life. You can have a plan to handle any issu
es, but don't invest into thinking about that more than that.
equate 等同、相等
somewhat 幾分、約略、稍微
stir up 煽動、策動、挑撥
All Comments

By Olivia
at 2022-08-09T20:26
at 2022-08-09T20:26

By Jessica
at 2022-08-10T16:05
at 2022-08-10T16:05

By Aaliyah
at 2022-08-11T11:45
at 2022-08-11T11:45

By Adele
at 2022-08-12T07:25
at 2022-08-12T07:25

By Callum
at 2022-08-13T03:04
at 2022-08-13T03:04
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