Daily Horoscope 2022/08/28 - 金牛

By Carol
at 2022-08-28T01:18
at 2022-08-28T01:18
Table of Contents
You may not want someone to think that you aren't brave enough to take on a ch
allenge they have erected before you. But don't say yes just for that reason,
dear Taurus. You are certainly brave enough, but you may not think it's a wise
choice. That's a very smart and reasonable response. If you are egged on beca
use of your decision, resist. You don't have to prove anything to anyone excep
t, perhaps, yourself. Do what you believe is the wisest thing to do.
erect 挺立;豎立;建立;安裝
egged 被煽動;教唆
You may not want someone to think that you aren't brave enough to take on a ch
allenge they have erected before you. But don't say yes just for that reason,
dear Taurus. You are certainly brave enough, but you may not think it's a wise
choice. That's a very smart and reasonable response. If you are egged on beca
use of your decision, resist. You don't have to prove anything to anyone excep
t, perhaps, yourself. Do what you believe is the wisest thing to do.
erect 挺立;豎立;建立;安裝
egged 被煽動;教唆
All Comments

By Ina
at 2022-08-28T19:24
at 2022-08-28T19:24

By Hedda
at 2022-08-28T16:27
at 2022-08-28T16:27

By Mason
at 2022-08-29T10:33
at 2022-08-29T10:33

By Kelly
at 2022-08-28T16:27
at 2022-08-28T16:27

By Daph Bay
at 2022-08-29T10:33
at 2022-08-29T10:33

By Tracy
at 2022-08-28T16:27
at 2022-08-28T16:27

By Brianna
at 2022-08-29T10:33
at 2022-08-29T10:33
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