Daily Horoscope 2022/09/05 - 金牛

By Charlie
at 2022-09-05T00:53
at 2022-09-05T00:53
Table of Contents
A little bit of powdered sugar sprinkled over the top of a freshly baked ginge
rbread cake is an excellent finishing touch. Without it, the cake would still
be delicious. But with it, a regular cake can be transformed into a work of a
culinary art. You are at that point now with something you are working on. Bef
ore you go back to the drawing board and start adding all kinds of other thing
s out of a need to reach perfection, Taurus, you need to remind yourself that
only a small touch is all that's really needed. Don't go overboard.
point 時刻;階段
go back to the drawing board 重新開始
touch 一些;少許;輕微
A little bit of powdered sugar sprinkled over the top of a freshly baked ginge
rbread cake is an excellent finishing touch. Without it, the cake would still
be delicious. But with it, a regular cake can be transformed into a work of a
culinary art. You are at that point now with something you are working on. Bef
ore you go back to the drawing board and start adding all kinds of other thing
s out of a need to reach perfection, Taurus, you need to remind yourself that
only a small touch is all that's really needed. Don't go overboard.
point 時刻;階段
go back to the drawing board 重新開始
touch 一些;少許;輕微
All Comments

By Charlotte
at 2022-09-10T00:45
at 2022-09-10T00:45

By Belly
at 2022-09-09T17:08
at 2022-09-09T17:08

By Ivy
at 2022-09-14T17:00
at 2022-09-14T17:00

By Zenobia
at 2022-09-09T17:08
at 2022-09-09T17:08
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