Daily Horoscope 2022/10/08 - 金牛

By Ingrid
at 2022-10-08T02:51
at 2022-10-08T02:51
Table of Contents
What do you need to be happy, Taurus? The perfect house? A luxury car? No, you
are far, far deeper than that. What you really need is a real sense of being
loved and of belonging. You can have that - as long as you are willing to open
your arms wide enough to accept it. Something is on offer, and it could bring
you things you have yearned for over a long period of time. Don't be afraid o
r hesitant to believe in it and accept it.
What do you need to be happy, Taurus? The perfect house? A luxury car? No, you
are far, far deeper than that. What you really need is a real sense of being
loved and of belonging. You can have that - as long as you are willing to open
your arms wide enough to accept it. Something is on offer, and it could bring
you things you have yearned for over a long period of time. Don't be afraid o
r hesitant to believe in it and accept it.
All Comments

By Liam
at 2022-10-11T18:55
at 2022-10-11T18:55

By Ingrid
at 2022-10-11T01:34
at 2022-10-11T01:34

By Daniel
at 2022-10-14T17:38
at 2022-10-14T17:38

By Michael
at 2022-10-11T01:34
at 2022-10-11T01:34

By Thomas
at 2022-10-14T17:38
at 2022-10-14T17:38

By David
at 2022-10-11T01:34
at 2022-10-11T01:34

By Elizabeth
at 2022-10-14T17:38
at 2022-10-14T17:38

By Lily
at 2022-10-11T01:34
at 2022-10-11T01:34

By Agnes
at 2022-10-14T17:38
at 2022-10-14T17:38

By Kelly
at 2022-10-11T01:34
at 2022-10-11T01:34
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