Daily Horoscope 2022/10/20 - 金牛

By Yuri
at 2022-10-20T01:11
at 2022-10-20T01:11
Table of Contents
Someone may be asking you to go out on a limb for them without a safety net. T
hat's not your style, Taurus. You believe in planning. You believe in being ca
utious. Therefore, you may be thinking about saying no to someone's request fo
r a major favor. But if you have any desire at all to help out, you might want
to reconsider. Make sure the risk is not nearly as serious as you think it is
. And maybe your brand of approach would be amazingly accurate. Think about it
Someone may be asking you to go out on a limb for them without a safety net. T
hat's not your style, Taurus. You believe in planning. You believe in being ca
utious. Therefore, you may be thinking about saying no to someone's request fo
r a major favor. But if you have any desire at all to help out, you might want
to reconsider. Make sure the risk is not nearly as serious as you think it is
. And maybe your brand of approach would be amazingly accurate. Think about it
All Comments

By Steve
at 2022-10-21T17:36
at 2022-10-21T17:36

By James
at 2022-10-23T10:01
at 2022-10-23T10:01

By Ina
at 2022-10-25T02:25
at 2022-10-25T02:25

By Donna
at 2022-10-26T18:50
at 2022-10-26T18:50

By Harry
at 2022-10-28T11:15
at 2022-10-28T11:15
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