Daily Horoscope 2022/11/13 - 金牛

By Sandy
at 2022-11-13T00:38
at 2022-11-13T00:38
Table of Contents
A lucky break that you have been hoping for is just one question away. That's
right, Taurus. If you ask the right question of the right person, you will hav
e exactly what you need to manifest what you want. The tricky part, though, is
that you don't want to turn to that particular person with that particular qu
estion. That leaves you stuck. But it really won't unfold in the way you are i
magining. In fact, it will be very easy. You won't know this for sure, of cour
se, until you ask. Work up your courage today to do that.
A lucky break that you have been hoping for is just one question away. That's
right, Taurus. If you ask the right question of the right person, you will hav
e exactly what you need to manifest what you want. The tricky part, though, is
that you don't want to turn to that particular person with that particular qu
estion. That leaves you stuck. But it really won't unfold in the way you are i
magining. In fact, it will be very easy. You won't know this for sure, of cour
se, until you ask. Work up your courage today to do that.
All Comments

By Una
at 2022-11-16T13:02
at 2022-11-16T13:02

By Kumar
at 2022-11-20T01:26
at 2022-11-20T01:26

By Kelly
at 2022-11-17T11:25
at 2022-11-17T11:25

By Charlotte
at 2022-11-20T23:49
at 2022-11-20T23:49

By Joe
at 2022-11-17T11:25
at 2022-11-17T11:25

By Gilbert
at 2022-11-20T23:49
at 2022-11-20T23:49

By Lily
at 2022-11-17T11:25
at 2022-11-17T11:25
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