Daily Horoscope 2022/12/05 - 金牛

By Carolina Franco
at 2022-12-05T02:41
at 2022-12-05T02:41
Table of Contents
Do not attempt to read someone's mind today, Taurus, or assume you know what s
omeone is thinking - especially what they are thinking about you. While this i
s good advice for any day of the week, today you might be more inclined to thi
nk you know someone's thoughts or to try to read into what they say and do. Th
at's dangerous territory and a slippery slope once you start, because you can'
t know for sure unless you ask. If you have questions about someone's percepti
on of you, just ask.
Do not attempt to read someone's mind today, Taurus, or assume you know what s
omeone is thinking - especially what they are thinking about you. While this i
s good advice for any day of the week, today you might be more inclined to thi
nk you know someone's thoughts or to try to read into what they say and do. Th
at's dangerous territory and a slippery slope once you start, because you can'
t know for sure unless you ask. If you have questions about someone's percepti
on of you, just ask.
All Comments

By Jack
at 2022-12-05T09:23
at 2022-12-05T09:23

By Tracy
at 2022-12-05T16:04
at 2022-12-05T16:04

By Blanche
at 2022-12-05T22:45
at 2022-12-05T22:45

By Daph Bay
at 2022-12-06T05:27
at 2022-12-06T05:27

By Faithe
at 2022-12-06T12:08
at 2022-12-06T12:08

By Mason
at 2022-12-06T18:50
at 2022-12-06T18:50

By John
at 2022-12-06T15:08
at 2022-12-06T15:08
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