Daily Horoscope 2022/12/11 - 金牛

By Hedda
at 2022-12-11T01:53
at 2022-12-11T01:53
Table of Contents
The realization of a big dream of yours may seem a bit like a mirage right now
. You can see it hovering before you, enticing you and teasing you. But each t
ime you get even a little bit closer, the possibility of grabbing it seems to
evaporate. Is that because this dream is intentionally eluding you? Of course
not, Taurus! You deserve to have what you want, and if you continue to work ha
rd for it, you will. Try to enjoy the chase as much as you will enjoy the conq
uest. Once you get to that point, you will reach your destination.
enticing 誘人的;迷人的
eluding 逃避;躲避
conquest 征服;駕馭
The realization of a big dream of yours may seem a bit like a mirage right now
. You can see it hovering before you, enticing you and teasing you. But each t
ime you get even a little bit closer, the possibility of grabbing it seems to
evaporate. Is that because this dream is intentionally eluding you? Of course
not, Taurus! You deserve to have what you want, and if you continue to work ha
rd for it, you will. Try to enjoy the chase as much as you will enjoy the conq
uest. Once you get to that point, you will reach your destination.
enticing 誘人的;迷人的
eluding 逃避;躲避
conquest 征服;駕馭
All Comments

By Olive
at 2022-12-13T14:45
at 2022-12-13T14:45

By William
at 2022-12-16T03:38
at 2022-12-16T03:38

By Mason
at 2022-12-18T16:30
at 2022-12-18T16:30

By Elvira
at 2022-12-18T08:30
at 2022-12-18T08:30

By Zanna
at 2022-12-20T21:22
at 2022-12-20T21:22

By Ivy
at 2022-12-18T08:30
at 2022-12-18T08:30
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