Daily horoscope 3/29 - 金牛

By Bennie
at 2016-03-28T20:04
at 2016-03-28T20:04
Table of Contents
Taurus horoscope for Mar 29 2016
Taurus horoscope for Mar 29 2016
You could easily become cranky when the time you had allotted for work on a sp
ecial goal is disrupted by an unplanned obligation. You may have to do somethi
ng for someone you love, or you might even be called to work on a completely d
ifferent project. Just do what you have to do, Taurus, and you can get back to
your project-of-choice later on. Concentrate on the work at hand so you don't
have to keep going back to it, and you'll gain a sense of pride, as well as p
ermission to take your time on your own goal.
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung GT-I9300
Taurus horoscope for Mar 29 2016
You could easily become cranky when the time you had allotted for work on a sp
ecial goal is disrupted by an unplanned obligation. You may have to do somethi
ng for someone you love, or you might even be called to work on a completely d
ifferent project. Just do what you have to do, Taurus, and you can get back to
your project-of-choice later on. Concentrate on the work at hand so you don't
have to keep going back to it, and you'll gain a sense of pride, as well as p
ermission to take your time on your own goal.
posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung GT-I9300
All Comments

By Damian
at 2016-03-29T02:51
at 2016-03-29T02:51

By Caroline
at 2016-03-30T22:25
at 2016-03-30T22:25

By Connor
at 2016-04-01T11:15
at 2016-04-01T11:15

By Zora
at 2016-04-03T13:15
at 2016-04-03T13:15

By Andrew
at 2016-04-03T18:16
at 2016-04-03T18:16

By Irma
at 2016-04-04T05:59
at 2016-04-04T05:59

By Rachel
at 2016-04-07T01:56
at 2016-04-07T01:56

By Kristin
at 2016-04-11T07:30
at 2016-04-11T07:30

By Emma
at 2016-04-11T12:43
at 2016-04-11T12:43
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