Daily horoscope 4/1 - 射手

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-04-01T07:21

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Sagittarius horoscope for Sunday Apr 1
You may be learning something or trying something new that has the potential t
o reap big rewards for you, Sagittarius. You are usually a quick study, but th
ere may be something about this effort that is confusing or overly challenging
. You tend to be hard on yourself when something doesn't come easily, because
so much does come easily to you. But you will learn faster and with greater en
joyment, if you encourage yourself instead of criticizing yourself. Be your ow
n greatest ally.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-04-05T06:59
給自己愛的鼓勵 樓下一起來~啪啪 啪啪啪 啪啪啪啪 喔
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-04-07T06:11
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2018-04-09T13:10
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2018-04-10T13:51
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-04-15T04:50
啪啪啪啪 哦耶!

4/1 米薩小姐的星座日誌-愚人節來了!

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-03-31T22:54
2018/4/1 (star)射手座(star): 準備好一套愚人節的話題吧,趁異性緣正好的時候把所有發展中的對象都撩一遍!對方難以拒絕。 最好運:撩人成功 最壞運: 小惡魔 幸運物:準備梗 每日星座運勢提供: 專業占星師「 米薩小姐占星誌」 https://m.facebook.com/missmis ...

Alex是大叔 射手座2018年4月運勢

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2018-03-31T18:09
事業: 3月底到4月初的這個時期,你可能突然對過去做過的一個決定、一個安排甚至制定的一個 目標,有些“反悔”了,這裡反悔的意思是突然覺得好像現在有其他的地方值得去做,或 者有其他的安排要處理,導致你當初做的這個決定、規劃無法按照你期待的進度去推進— —當然,也有一些射手座是真的“失策”而不得不中止一 ...

Daily horoscope 3/31

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-03-31T09:08
Sagittarius horoscope for Saturday Mar 31 An upcoming decision may seem like a huge conundrum. You have all the facts, b ut the answers are elusive. There ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-03-31T03:59
今日運勢 2018 / 03 / 31 (六) 陰 週末容易在戶外場所扭傷,建議自己要多加小心才好。 感情: 感情方面莽撞的行動,讓另一半覺得你太孩子氣,甚至認為你不夠尊重他。 幸運色是白色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 阿!不要衝動啊各位,任性的想法之前請三思冷靜一下啊啊啊XD - ...

3/31 米薩小姐的星座日誌

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2018-03-31T00:02
2018/03/31 射手座 活躍的樣子實在太有魅力了,不認識的人都會被你吸引,也有外國人的緣分,很吃得開。 最好運:活躍有魅力 最壞運:窮窮的 幸運物:外國元素 每日星座運勢提供: 專業占星師「 米薩小姐占星誌」 https://m.facebook.com/missmisa12002/ https:// ...