Daily horoscope 7/12 - 射手

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2017-07-12T17:00

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※ 引述《misa4824 (里紗)》之銘言:
: Sagittarius horoscope for Wednesday Jul 12
: You have worked within very limiting constraints at work or in a business for
: so long that you have gotten used to reining yourself in. But a new chance to
: shine is coming soon, Sagittarius, and you have to be ready. When this first t
: ranspires, you may feel inclined to remain conservative in your approach to yo
: ur work, but you need to feel your wings and try to soar. Let go of inhabitati
: ons and break free of the patterns and habits you have followed for so long. T
: his is a new beginning.
: --
: Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
: Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh

Tags: 射手

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-07-15T19:37
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-07-20T09:49
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-07-24T11:34

Daily horoscope 7/12

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2017-07-12T12:01
Sagittarius horoscope for Wednesday Jul 12 You have worked within very limiting constraints at work or in a business for so long that you have gotten used ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2017-07-12T01:14
大家好,我潛水很久,前一則po文不小心被我白癡的操作刪了,謝謝很多朋友給我方向。 我是天秤男O型、對方是射手女A型。 我上週末終於結束四個月的曖昧關係,她終於肯告訴我,不肯接受我的原因是她喜歡的男 人,也在一起幾年了,但她表示男方有點渣、還沒拜訪過她家,女方母親也知道他的存在 ,但是她做了一些讓男方虧欠的事, ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-07-12T00:58
今日運勢 2017 / 07 / 12 (三) 雨 今天別人會找你麻煩,不妨以耐心應對,而上位者則要小心說錯話,以免影響自己的公信力。 感情: 感情方面你認為開玩笑的事,對方會當真,建議說話時要多注意一點。 幸運色是黃色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-07-11T23:09
最近啊... 心情挺悶的 因為身體出現一些狀況 跑了幾趟醫院 看了一些醫生 也要持續檢查回診 我不得不隨時注意自己的健康 多多休息別讓自己太累 健康微恙 心情也跟著down下去 我家射男一直期待我可以陪著他 去從事他喜歡的戶外活動 只是現在的身體狀況 我有可能會讓他失望 想到他看我突然擔心起自己的 ...

Daily horoscope 7/11

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-07-11T12:04
Sagittarius horoscope for Tuesday Jul 11 Gambling casinos are successful because the odds are in their favor. When a ga mbler places a bet, it is most like ...