Daily horoscope 7/26 - 射手

By Wallis
at 2017-07-26T10:58
at 2017-07-26T10:58
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Sagittarius horoscope for Wednesday Jul 26
There may be a lot of talking going on in your social sphere right now, Sagitt
arius, but there may not be a lot of substance. You want to get down to busine
ss with an effort that involves at least a few of these people, but they are n
ot giving you what you need. You may fear that they don't take a project as se
riously as you do, and you may be right. But it could also be that rather than
being dismissive, they truly don't understand the importance in the same way
you do. Enlighten them, and the tone will change.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
There may be a lot of talking going on in your social sphere right now, Sagitt
arius, but there may not be a lot of substance. You want to get down to busine
ss with an effort that involves at least a few of these people, but they are n
ot giving you what you need. You may fear that they don't take a project as se
riously as you do, and you may be right. But it could also be that rather than
being dismissive, they truly don't understand the importance in the same way
you do. Enlighten them, and the tone will change.
Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

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at 2017-07-30T22:26
at 2017-07-30T22:26

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at 2017-08-01T11:52
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