Daily horoscope 7/8 - 射手

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2017-07-08T12:22

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Sagittarius horoscope for Saturday Jul 8
You may not want to take part in a social event, Sagittarius. There may be som
e element about it that makes you feel uncomfortable, awkward, or even angry.
Even so, if you don't show up, it may cause quite a stir, and that, in turn, w
ill also create a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, awkward, or eve
n angry. So the best way to deal with this is directly. The best thing to do -
especially because this is something of an obligation - is to go and deal wit
h the fallout immediately. That should be far less stressful.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2017-07-09T18:03


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-07-08T03:36
先在射版跟各位射大說聲晚上好! 最近發生了一些心情不亮的事 也在這邊跟各位吐個苦水 本人有速嘴的習慣 氣在當頭罵到一整個不行 後來自己也發現 啊怎麼把人家講這樣 ( 雖然就事實咩 想請問各位遇到令人不快之時 是怎麼解決這些很令人and#34;給洨and#34;的心情 避免很多這種太氣放箭射死人的情況 內有S ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2017-07-08T01:42
時間又~~~~~~~過了一年 這次隔了一年半才寫文章 這段時間幾乎每個月都被射胖一直催著說什麼時候才要更新,什麼時候才要更新...... 好啦好啦,我更新了啦 可以了嗎(崩潰 這一年半裡我們做了很多事 像是一個月裡去了三個遊樂園(劍湖o 六福o 麗寶oo)玩。玩到某個人說太可怕快往生 又或者是去到頑 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-07-07T21:51
大家也知道 射手座的衝動和愛旅遊的個性 讓我買了《9/8-9/17》馬爾地夫的機票 小妹公司的假比較多,因為太突然身旁的朋友也無法說走就走 靈機一動想說看了很久的射手版 來幫大家升升火 看有沒有人被點著可以跟我一起玩個幾天 (我們不用一起那麼多天啦 ) 那麼美的馬爾地夫 http://i.imgu ...

Daily horoscope 7/7

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2017-07-07T12:24
Sagittarius horoscope for Friday Jul 7 Looking at a new venture by way of an old experience may hinder your progress today, Sagittarius. You may be compari ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-07-07T08:49
[請在文章開頭或是結尾明確告知板友 你想問的問題是什麼] [以及你個人的想法或是期望] andlt;andlt;此三行請於發文前刪除 謝謝andgt; 踩到射女的雷,完全聯繫不上,跟失蹤一樣… 請問會消失是很嚴重的情況對吧… 是該持續的等她有一天回應呢? (沒回應是不是就是GG了…) 有回應的話,講清楚說明 ...