Daily Horoscope 8/24 - 射手

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-08-24T00:29

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Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 24 2016

You are in your element as the social butterfly of a meeting or a friendly
gathering, Sagittarius. You are the magic ribbon that binds everyone
together, and you are the fine wine that allows everyone to share the same
vision. You have your moment in the spotlight, and with this chance, you can
make a name for yourself that will open many doors for you in the future.
While it will be easy to schmooze those folks who seem like kindred spirits,
it might be harder to deal with others who are very different from you.
Strive to reach them all.
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All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2016-08-27T15:27


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-08-23T20:18
原PO射女,以下有點負面心情文,請斟酌觀看 其實我蠻不知道怎麼辦的,我只知道自己在低潮裡。 平時與他人相處還是可以有說有笑,但就是某個地方不對,我開心不起來。 如果要具體化目前自己心理的樣子,大概就是蹲在角落哭泣,而誰都不會過來。 很渴望有那麼一個人可以把自己拉出來,然後告訴自己, ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2016-08-23T14:09
各位鄉民們,小妹有ㄧ事請教 有一曖昧40歲做生意的射手男, 上周五 我問他:你周末要做什麼呢? 他:單身的人就只能找朋友吃飯或待在家, 所以我可以找妳吃飯囉。 我:可是我周六要去聯誼, 周日要找我,再跟我要說。 接著....聊別的.....過了幾天 我: ...

0823 星星一族星象運勢

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-08-23T08:30
射手座, 如果你是自由職業者或是企業主,這段時間對你有利。如果你是拿薪族,你將有機會使自 己更清楚你的定位。在這段時間裡,你與和你在一起的人會度過一段比較失望的時期,因 為對方喜歡比較刺激而有趣的生活氣氛,而在實際中你們的生活有些乏味。 明天見! 資料來源:horoscopofree星占社區 乏味QQ ...

Daily Horoscope 8/23

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-08-23T00:39
Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 23 2016 Your ego may want to come out today and stomp all over someone you see as competition. You are a competitive person, ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-08-23T00:05
今日運勢 2016 / 08 / 23 (二) 晴時多雲 今天會被豬隊友陷害,因此事先的協調千萬不要掉以輕心,且要親自監督才行。 感情: 感情方面很久沒有約會、打扮、放鬆,建議要適時地花點心思在感情上面。 幸運色是灰色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...