Daily Horoscope 8/25 - 金牛

By Lucy
at 2020-08-25T19:36
at 2020-08-25T19:36
Table of Contents
Taurus horoscope for 星期二 8月 25
As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue
that seems to make no sense. Even so, you know there must be a way to figure
it out, and you may even have come to the conclusion that without an
understanding of that clue, you will never find your answer. But that's
nonsense - and the clue may be nonsense as well. Don't get so hung up today
on something you can't figure out. Sometimes it is best to move on when life
throws you a confusing sign. Just keep going.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue
that seems to make no sense. Even so, you know there must be a way to figure
it out, and you may even have come to the conclusion that without an
understanding of that clue, you will never find your answer. But that's
nonsense - and the clue may be nonsense as well. Don't get so hung up today
on something you can't figure out. Sometimes it is best to move on when life
throws you a confusing sign. Just keep going.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

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