Daily Horoscope 8/30 - 射手

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-08-30T00:26

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Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 30 2016

you can meet someone new and feel an instant sense of good chemistry. You may
even have the feeling that you have known each other in some other life, and
that you may be soul mates. If you have ever experienced this, Sagittarius,
you know that you are also practical enough to know that you don't really
know each other at all, and that it will take time to be sure of your first
perception. But someone you meet soon may break all the rules. You may sense
an extraordinary camaraderie, and it will be the real thing. Trust your
intuition and follow your heart.
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Tags: 射手

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-08-30T11:06
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2016-09-01T16:48


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-08-29T14:10
跟射手男是相親認識 剛開始他是比較主動 不過他說他不是外貿協會 他很重視好不好相處,有沒有內涵 都要從朋友做起再會決定要不要交往 但是常常跟相親對象最後都變朋友 目前已經認識三個月 他常常line裡都會跟我討論以後家庭的規劃,你喜歡怎樣的布置, 家事分配,生活作息2個人要怎麼調整等等 可是見面又紳士到不行, ...

0829 星星一族星象運勢

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2016-08-29T11:50
射手座, 這段時期你的生活波動不大,也不會有太大的生活變化,可以節省一些不必要的花費。 如果你想賺更多錢,你的星象告訴你,不要關閉你與你鄰居和同事友誼的大門。 明天見! 資料來源:horoscopofree星占社區 要從身邊人下手意思嗎www - ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2016-08-29T00:50
今日運勢 2016 / 08 / 29 (一) 晴時多雲 今天會遇到厲害的談判高手,且不小心就擦槍走火,建議你耐心溝通。 感情: 感情方面要謹言慎行,避免太興奮而透露另一半的秘密。 幸運色是藍色。 From:FB唐立淇每日星座運勢 - ...

8/29~9/4 射手座一周運勢

James avatar
By James
at 2016-08-29T00:27
射手座~本週運勢為Thoth塔羅牌的「賢者」 分析:賢者這張牌可說是群牌之首,不管在事業運、財運、學業運、愛情運方面,都可以 出現嶄新的契機,並且一切都由你自己所主導;這是一張充滿優勢的社會菁英牌,既聰明 又具備極快的反應能力,雖然掌握局面,卻也從不擔心出現突發狀況,如果有什麼新的計 劃,本週是開始行動的好 ...

Daily Horoscope 8/29

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2016-08-28T22:59
Sagittarius horoscope for Aug 29 2016 If you were a marathon runner, you probably wouldnand#39;t start a race without doing some stretching exercises and ...