Daily Horoscope 9/24 - 射手

By Ivy
at 2016-09-23T23:34
at 2016-09-23T23:34
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Sagittarius horoscope for Sep 24 2016
The answer to a conundrum you are facing with a challenging task, may be to
form a partnership. You have been carrying the weight for a large project all
by yourself, Sagittarius. Your independent nature and your stubbornness have
told you to keep soldiering on, but you may not be making much progress
despite your efforts. It may be time to team up with someone who shares your
goals and can fill in the blanks, so to speak. You have certain strengths,
and you need to find someone with other strengths. Doing so will help make
short work of a tough challenge.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
不管怎麼說 需要人幫忙的時候 還是請人幫忙一下
雖然我知道射手都喜歡自己來 但有些事情多人一起做就是比較好阿
最近忙論文 都沒有fu打些感性的話來鼓勵大家
不過 還是要加油阿
話說明天要去參加一個跑酷活動 剛好是一個團體行動
The answer to a conundrum you are facing with a challenging task, may be to
form a partnership. You have been carrying the weight for a large project all
by yourself, Sagittarius. Your independent nature and your stubbornness have
told you to keep soldiering on, but you may not be making much progress
despite your efforts. It may be time to team up with someone who shares your
goals and can fill in the blanks, so to speak. You have certain strengths,
and you need to find someone with other strengths. Doing so will help make
short work of a tough challenge.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
不管怎麼說 需要人幫忙的時候 還是請人幫忙一下
雖然我知道射手都喜歡自己來 但有些事情多人一起做就是比較好阿
最近忙論文 都沒有fu打些感性的話來鼓勵大家
不過 還是要加油阿
話說明天要去參加一個跑酷活動 剛好是一個團體行動
All Comments

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