Daily Horoscope by 2018/05/11 - 天秤

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-05-10T09:51

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Libra horoscope for Friday May 11

There is something you don't want to talk about, Libra, but you know that if
you don't, other people will fill in the missing information, which could
lead to unfair and untrue gossip. Then again, it is certainly your right to
remain silent, and wisdom dictates that you shouldn't be concerned with what
other people are saying. It all comes down to how much you want to deal with.
You could strike a compromise with yourself by giving just enough info to
keep others quiet. It's up to you.






就先把明天的運勢翻一翻了( ^ω^)

Tags: 天秤

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-05-13T21:51
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-05-17T02:08

2018/05/10 (四) 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-05-09T21:58
今日運勢 2018 / 05 / 10 (四) 晴時多雲 今天會遇到無厘頭的人事物,建議多學習對方的幽默感,讓自己放鬆一下。 感情方面另一半擔心你會吃虧,不妨把自己的想法告訴對方,讓他安心。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-05-09T05:30
=======================此心情抒發專為天秤寶寶設置====================== 今日想抒發的心情是: 喜/怒/哀/樂 心情背景:難過 希望跟板友分享的是: 一直以為被分手才是最受傷的人 沒想到,今天提了分開也是一樣那麼難過 兩個人在一起最怕的真的就是沒辦法一起努力 互 ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-05-08T23:43
=========================此格式為詢問愛情交往問題專用===================== (若幫人代問,請填寫當事人的資料) 1. 是否已經詳細閱讀精華區與置底文摘的文章: 2. 我的星座是:雙子女 3. 對方的星座是:天秤男 4. 自己的個性 (請以20字內簡短敘述自 ...

Daily Horoscope by 2018/05/09

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-05-08T22:59
Libra horoscope for Wednesday May 9 You may have been given way too many tasks, and there may be a lot more expected of you than from anyone else at work ...

2018/05/09 (三) 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-05-08T22:05
今日運勢 2018 / 05 / 09 (三) 晴時多雲 今天要釐清自己的思緒,不妨說出心中感覺,且行程不要太過奔忙才好。 感情方面需要另一半的安慰,若對方總是指責你,會讓你感到很灰心。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...