Daily Horoscope 金牛座8月運勢 - 金牛

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2021-07-26T07:41

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"But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."


Taurus horoscope for August
You may have had a hard time financially, and saving your money may have been tricky recently because one unavoidable expense after another has popped up. But this month, Taurus, you can get down to basics and come up with a plan for setting aside a certain amount every week. Once you get into the habit, it will be easier, and you won't feel like you are depriving yourself of anything. Think about what you are working toward. If you feel that you have been running around in circles frantically trying to
get things done, it might be time to get better control over your schedule so that you can be more efficient and effective in less time and with less anxiety. You may find yourself facing opposition with a plan you had in place that you thought was uncontested. But if you stand your ground firmly and calmly, and you go over (as many times as necessary) why you believe in your plan, it should get the green light eventually. Don't be stubborn if you receive an overdue apology later in the month. You may
be tempted to hold a grudge because you are resentful that it took so long to receive that apology, or even just because it ever happened to begin with. But if this is someone you would enjoy reconnecting with, then you must turn the other cheek and try again.
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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2021-07-27T10:24
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2021-07-28T13:07
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2021-07-29T15:51
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2021-07-30T18:34
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2021-07-31T21:17
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2021-08-02T00:00
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2021-08-03T02:44
James avatar
By James
at 2021-08-04T05:27
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2021-08-05T08:10

Daily Horoscope 2021/07/26

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2021-07-26T04:06
你或許迷失在一連串的噪音裡,每個聲音都在吵著告訴你一個不同的角度,關於你將來必須決定的事情。這可能跟家庭有關,如果真是如此,那可能會變得更棘手,因為他們知道你的弱點,也知道怎麼成功地影響你和操控你。而且,就算他們是為了你好,阿牛,這個決定操之於你,也只有你能決定。別被恐懼或壓力所操弄了。找到一個你聽不到雜音的 ...

Daily Horoscope 2021/07/25

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2021-07-26T04:02
是不是很有決心要在今天解決一個待辦事項呀,阿牛?以致於你忘記要給自己一點休息時間。你是很堅強也很有毅力的,就像代表你星座的那隻牛一樣,但也要小心不要當一隻蠻牛。如果你一直進逼自己去想出辦法來解決這個待辦事項,即使你根本不在正確的心境中,那麼你只會變得心累,而且也沒辦法用對的方法來處理它。可以再試一下,但也做好 ...

2021/07/27 唐綺陽/晴時多雲

James avatar
By James
at 2021-07-26T01:00
晴時多雲 今天建議把步調放慢、給自己休息充電的時間,如果需要處理工作決策,也儘量先停看聽 一下、好好思考,不宜衝動。感情方面居家的約會模式對你來說比較舒服,如果與另一半 都習慣平穩安靜地相處會很不錯。幸運色是黑色。 - ...

2021/07/26 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2021-07-25T19:18
巨蟹座 陰 今天容易有與海外連結的事物、或吸引到別人邀請你一起攜手開創新目標等,令人憧憬的 故事發生,提醒你理想之餘也要謹慎考量。感情方面與另一半能否不疾不徐地溝通很重要 ,也可以培養書信往來等相處方式。 幸運色是黃色。 Alex大叔本週巨蟹座:財運轉好、社交增加。 - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2021-07-25T18:53
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