Daily Horoscope 魔羯座9月運勢 - 摩羯

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2021-08-27T14:13

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Capricorn horoscope for September
A situation involving a boss or an authority figure may have been causing you stress for a while now, Capricorn. You may know exactly what is wrong, and you may be able to express it quite well. But at the same time, you know that doing so could jeopardize something that is important to you. This month, seek out guidance and figure out your options, especially if things are really getting to you. There is a solution that won't be risky. An opening may come this month that will enable you to work at
making a primary relationship much better. This may come in the form of time spent together, and although you may not like the idea at first, accepting this chance could really be a great thing. You could be asked to join a group or a team this month, and that could be a great idea. But if you are thinking of taking on a bigger role in this, just be sure it is all clearly defined so that there are no misunderstandings. September is a great month to break the ice with someone you would like to know
better. You may find someone on the periphery of your life intriguing. This may be a person you see on a regular basis at a place you frequent, or at work, or even in your neighborhood. Just take it slow so you can get acquainted without pressure.
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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2021-08-27T23:34
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2021-09-01T00:57
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2021-09-05T20:48
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2021-09-06T00:18
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-09-08T10:18
推推 滿符合的XD


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-08-27T12:16
眼看就要到週末,這兩天星象特別吃緊,給大家加油一下~ 周四周五月亮在牡羊,特別有容易焦躁衝動, 每次月亮進入牡羊,或天蠍,都會特別想要吃辣的, 大家昨天跟今天也會特別想吃點辣? 或是新口味嗎? 每次月亮進入牡羊,都會暫時感受到那種“事情怎麼還在拖? ”想翻白眼的衝動... 這兩天,金星天秤180度凱龍牡 ...

9月星座運勢 未來三個月的願望|安妮

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-08-26T23:22
2021年9月份12星座運勢 feat. 未來三個月你的願望會達成嗎? 先看太陽星座,再看上升星座唷~ https://youtu.be/uiiU4ZKOBCI ▼影片快捷 0:00 整體星象 0:29 塔羅占卜 01:15 選項一 01:30 選項二 02:04 選項三 02:27 牡羊 03:05 ...

亞提米斯 9月魔羯座運勢超完整解析

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-08-26T21:27
來源:亞提米斯 魔羯座9月星座運勢超完整解析2021 | 亞提聊星座 https://youtu.be/DsKDVrIfYMw 在2021年9月,魔羯座的你會有怎樣的運勢和發展呢? 和亞提米斯一起來看看吧! 請參考:上升andamp;太陽星座 ※這支影片只是講述大略的情況,根據每個人占星命盤的不同會有不同 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-08-26T18:37
卡西娜-這些星座婚後控制欲爆棚 https://www.stars12.com/2021/04/blog-post_87.html 伊明-跟這些星座談戀愛就一個字,累! https://www.stars12.com/2021/04/blog-post_8.html 占星小巫2021直到年底偏財運超旺的星 ...

Alex是大叔 近期占星提醒 水海冥小三角

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2021-08-26T12:19
雙重標準是什麼呢?可能是對自己有一套要求標準,對別人有一套要求標準;也或者是, 對“外人”有一套標準,對“自己人”適用於另一套標準。那麼,這幾天,你有沒有體會 到“雙標”呢?海王星、冥王星都跟水星出現互動,這是一個值得我們反思的問題,究竟 ,何謂“標準”,以及標準的適用範圍是什麼?有時候我們的言行雖然“微不足 ...