Daily Horoscopes 105.11.23(三) - 天秤

By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-11-23T00:31
at 2016-11-23T00:31
Table of Contents
Libra horoscope for Nov 23 2016
A greater sense of hope and optimism should fill you up today with happy
expectations. There is much to look forward to, Libra, but don't expect it to
all come flooding in at once. Small changes are happening in your life now,
and they may not look like much on the surface. Because of this you could
overlook an opportunity or two since it doesn't appear to offer you the
grand, sweeping change in your life that you are hoping for. It would be a
mistake to take any new chance less than seriously, as you never know when
one small twist of fate could change everything for the better.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
Libra horoscope for Nov 23 2016
A greater sense of hope and optimism should fill you up today with happy
expectations. There is much to look forward to, Libra, but don't expect it to
all come flooding in at once. Small changes are happening in your life now,
and they may not look like much on the surface. Because of this you could
overlook an opportunity or two since it doesn't appear to offer you the
grand, sweeping change in your life that you are hoping for. It would be a
mistake to take any new chance less than seriously, as you never know when
one small twist of fate could change everything for the better.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh
All Comments

By Irma
at 2016-11-23T05:10
at 2016-11-23T05:10

By Christine
at 2016-11-24T02:42
at 2016-11-24T02:42

By Hedda
at 2016-11-28T14:13
at 2016-11-28T14:13

By Joe
at 2016-12-03T06:50
at 2016-12-03T06:50

By Ida
at 2016-12-05T19:18
at 2016-12-05T19:18

By Ingrid
at 2016-12-07T08:58
at 2016-12-07T08:58
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