DailyHoroscope 08/26 - 09/01 - 雙魚

By Ethan
at 2019-08-25T16:57
at 2019-08-25T16:57
Table of Contents
Someone in your life may be more concerned with protecting their image than
with telling you something you have the right to know. This person may have
a secret, but it could come out this week in an unexpected way. Although thi
s may not be as dramatic to you as it is to your loved one, dear Pisces, it
may be affecting them on a deeper level and causing them to mislead. Don't p
ress the issue. Just allow them to say whatever they are comfortable reveali
ng and let it go. Anything you need to know will come to you eventually. A c
hance to learn more about a passion of yours may come to you this week. Whet
her this is how to paint, how to write a book or absolutely anything that yo
u find fascinating, say yes to a lecture, a class, or lessons from someone w
ith expertise. You could learn a lot, and it may even become a source of sup
plemental income for you in the future. An answer or a decision that you hav
e been pressing for and one the other party has been avoiding may come to a
climax this week. Even if you have given up on ever hearing what you need to
hear, the response may come suddenly, but it may not be what you were expec
ting. However, that's the good news because it will be better than you would
have guessed. Be grateful for this.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
你生活中的某個人可能更關心保護自己的形象,而不是告訴你有權知道的事情。 這個人
層次上影響他們並導致他們誤導。 不要按此問題。 只要讓他們說出任何他們覺得舒服
的東西,就放手吧。 你需要知道的任何事情最終會來找你。
本周可能會有機會了解更多關於你的激情。 無論是如何繪畫,如何寫書或絕對任何你覺
得有趣的東西,對講座,課程或有專業知識的人的教訓都是肯定的。 你可以學到很多東
西,它甚至可能成為你未來的補充收入來源。 你一直在努力的答案或決定以及另一方一
所期待的。 然而,這是個好消息,因為它會比你想像的要好。 不勝感激。
版權所有c 每日占星。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
Sent from BePTT on my ASUS_Z01HDA
with telling you something you have the right to know. This person may have
a secret, but it could come out this week in an unexpected way. Although thi
s may not be as dramatic to you as it is to your loved one, dear Pisces, it
may be affecting them on a deeper level and causing them to mislead. Don't p
ress the issue. Just allow them to say whatever they are comfortable reveali
ng and let it go. Anything you need to know will come to you eventually. A c
hance to learn more about a passion of yours may come to you this week. Whet
her this is how to paint, how to write a book or absolutely anything that yo
u find fascinating, say yes to a lecture, a class, or lessons from someone w
ith expertise. You could learn a lot, and it may even become a source of sup
plemental income for you in the future. An answer or a decision that you hav
e been pressing for and one the other party has been avoiding may come to a
climax this week. Even if you have given up on ever hearing what you need to
hear, the response may come suddenly, but it may not be what you were expec
ting. However, that's the good news because it will be better than you would
have guessed. Be grateful for this.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
你生活中的某個人可能更關心保護自己的形象,而不是告訴你有權知道的事情。 這個人
層次上影響他們並導致他們誤導。 不要按此問題。 只要讓他們說出任何他們覺得舒服
的東西,就放手吧。 你需要知道的任何事情最終會來找你。
本周可能會有機會了解更多關於你的激情。 無論是如何繪畫,如何寫書或絕對任何你覺
得有趣的東西,對講座,課程或有專業知識的人的教訓都是肯定的。 你可以學到很多東
西,它甚至可能成為你未來的補充收入來源。 你一直在努力的答案或決定以及另一方一
所期待的。 然而,這是個好消息,因為它會比你想像的要好。 不勝感激。
版權所有c 每日占星。
立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh
Sent from BePTT on my ASUS_Z01HDA
All Comments

By Caroline
at 2019-08-27T02:27
at 2019-08-27T02:27

By Sierra Rose
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By Eartha
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By Rae
at 2019-09-06T08:33
at 2019-09-06T08:33

By Selena
at 2019-09-09T03:22
at 2019-09-09T03:22

By Carol
at 2019-09-11T13:45
at 2019-09-11T13:45

By Una
at 2019-09-16T00:29
at 2019-09-16T00:29
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