DailyHoroscope 10/1 - 金牛

By Anthony
at 2019-10-01T11:20
at 2019-10-01T11:20
Table of Contents
If you were parched and seriously in need of a drink of water, you would probably be happy to drink from a garden hose if bottled water was not available. We become less picky when we don't have alternatives - and especially so when we need to fill our basic needs. You may have a strong need for something, Taurus, but you are being rather picky about where this comes from or the quality of whatever it is you need. You may not recognize the seriousness of this need. You should consider relaxing your
standards so that you can obtain an essential element of an ongoing project or resource you need.
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Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
All Comments

By Ophelia
at 2019-10-05T13:53
at 2019-10-05T13:53

By Thomas
at 2019-10-09T18:13
at 2019-10-09T18:13

By Ina
at 2019-10-10T20:48
at 2019-10-10T20:48

By Ula
at 2019-10-11T15:10
at 2019-10-11T15:10

By Linda
at 2019-10-14T19:26
at 2019-10-14T19:26
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