DailyHoroscope 4/9-15 - 事業

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-04-09T11:41

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You may have recently chosen to mix business with pleasure in a new venture, A
quarius. At the time, it seemed like a potentially lucrative idea that could a
lso be quite enjoyable. This week, as you may be getting in deeper, you could
begin to see that there are some complications because of your relationship. I
f this is important to you, and you are careful, you can turn this into a fant
astic partnership with great possibilities. Work at it diligently and think tw
ice before making any future decisions connected to this. You are discerning e
nough to pull this off. Around Tuesday, someone may come to you with a request
that seems light and easy. However, if you look at it closely and take it a f
ew steps ahead in your mind, you may discover this requires a lot more commitm
ent than it appears on the surface. If you can't commit to this for the forese
eable future, you may have to back out. Around Friday, a chance may come to yo
u that will be a bit of a gamble. You aren't averse to taking a risk now and t
hen, but you should make sure it is one you are comfortable with. Over the wee
kend, you may discover an unexpected visitor or two at your door. While you ma
y not be prepared for this, if you take a carefree approach, it could be fun.


Tags: 事業

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Alex是大叔 水瓶座2018年4月運勢

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-03-31T18:33
事業: 再次貫徹“少即是多”這個概念。火星跟你的守護星土星停留在你的12宮,許多水瓶座從 3月底開始就感受到——好像事情變得很多,肩膀上的擔子也變重了。如果你已經開始意識 到這一點,那麼現在就是卸下一些不必要東西的時刻。在3月底到4月初這個階段,也是十 分有助於去處理關於證件以及個人旅行計劃的時期 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-03-25T21:52
出處:https://goo.gl/d1Ft8C 內容: 《法塔羅克里福德》03/26~04/01塔羅星座運勢 本運勢請同時參考太陽與上昇星座 水瓶座 聖杯A逆位 聖杯10逆位 戀人逆位 情緒會直接影響你與身邊的人的溝通與互動。 ◎內心有不少對於未來的擔憂,讓你沒有安全感。現在的你已經漸漸對生 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-03-09T09:15
我的星座或生日:摩羯 跟水瓶男認識不到一週就開始交往 我跟他都是主管職,所以平常都很忙碌 加上又是異地戀,所以這半年來真正碰面約會的次數屈指可數 過年期間他趁年假,約我到他家鄉住個兩天一夜 帶我騎腳踏車回憶了他過去的成長歷程,還有吃遍他喜歡的在地美食 然而我不習慣的是 從一開始的甜言蜜語到約一個月後, ...

Alex是大叔 水瓶座2018年3月運勢

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-03-01T13:30
事業: 3月月初,因爲水星跟火星、冥王星的結構,可能帶來一些金錢支出,當然也可能是某樣 財物損壞,需要維修或者購買新的,也可能是你的人際應酬、聚會增加,需要你花費這些 金錢,但不管哪一種,水瓶座們在3月月初都要做好金錢規劃,因爲3月你要用錢的地方有 很多——不過,3月的財運也不錯。 水星跟火星的 ...

小乖麻 水瓶座2018年運勢

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-02-25T08:56
【你希望自己可以活的輕鬆一些、有趣一些、自在一些,而事實上從17年的上半年4、5月 開始,你就一直處在類似的狀態之中:隨遇而安的對自己沒有要求,既想要保持自我不被 打擾,又想要獲得別人的認同和幫助。然而這是一個駁論,或者說只有在極度理想化的條 件之下才可以滿足你期待。 要知道做自己vs迎合別人,就像左 ...