DailyHoroscope Jul29- Aug4 - 金牛

By Lydia
at 2019-07-28T23:53
at 2019-07-28T23:53
Table of Contents
Taurus horoscope for Jul 29 - Aug 4 2019
It is often said that the secret to happiness is in wanting what you have, rat
her than getting what you want. The relentless pursuit of something that seems
to be impossible to attain can cause misery, disappointment, and disillusionm
ent. When you set your sights on something that won't come to you despite your
best efforts, it may be because it just is not meant to be. There is much to
be happy about in your life now, Taurus. Have you noticed? This week, you must
start to foster a greater appreciation for what you already have, and a joyfu
l approach to savoring it. An event this week should make it easier for you to
put things in perspective. Also this week, you may find yourself wrestling wi
th someone over something you both want to happen in a different way, but you
could tug back and forth forever if you aren't willing to compromise. It is ti
me to do some serious listening - rather than each of you just reciting over a
nd over what you want. If you really hear each other, you can find a way to a
solution that will feel rewarding to you both.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
It is often said that the secret to happiness is in wanting what you have, rat
her than getting what you want. The relentless pursuit of something that seems
to be impossible to attain can cause misery, disappointment, and disillusionm
ent. When you set your sights on something that won't come to you despite your
best efforts, it may be because it just is not meant to be. There is much to
be happy about in your life now, Taurus. Have you noticed? This week, you must
start to foster a greater appreciation for what you already have, and a joyfu
l approach to savoring it. An event this week should make it easier for you to
put things in perspective. Also this week, you may find yourself wrestling wi
th someone over something you both want to happen in a different way, but you
could tug back and forth forever if you aren't willing to compromise. It is ti
me to do some serious listening - rather than each of you just reciting over a
nd over what you want. If you really hear each other, you can find a way to a
solution that will feel rewarding to you both.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
All Comments

By Doris
at 2019-07-30T08:14
at 2019-07-30T08:14

By Jake
at 2019-08-03T03:27
at 2019-08-03T03:27

By Madame
at 2019-08-03T19:42
at 2019-08-03T19:42

By Doris
at 2019-08-06T11:04
at 2019-08-06T11:04
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