DH 六月運勢分析 - 摩羯

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-05-30T22:36

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The good wishes and accolades you received for a much earlier project may
finally be reaching you, Capricorn. Although these positive vibrations are
reaching you - or will be reaching you - a bit late, you need to be present
in the moment so that you can fully enjoy what's happening. Do you know why?
Because this is what you deserve, and stealing it away from yourself will do
you no good. Let go of any resentment you are feeling for being overlooked or
ignored in the past, and revel in the attention you receive. This month will
be great in other ways as well. A timid friend who rarely reveals a personal
side may suddenly warm up, and what you learn about this person will be
heart-warming, especially when you learn how this person sees and feels about
you. In a way, it will feel like compensation for some difficult times you
may have endured with this individual. Later in the month - perhaps around
the third week - you may find that an endeavor you began with little fanfare
is picking up steam and taking on a life of its own. This is wonderful
because this has the potential to open doors for you and give you an entrée
to a world that taps into many of your happiest fantasies and boldest

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Tags: 摩羯

All Comments

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-06-02T04:50
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-06-03T03:43
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-06-07T06:08
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2018-06-10T00:59
推 希望如此!
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-06-10T09:05
已經確定錄取一份看似不錯的職缺 但七月中才上班XD
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-06-13T04:01
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-06-13T11:49
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-06-14T15:05
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2018-06-17T12:58
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-06-22T09:17
希望準 而且是我所想的那個人QQ
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-06-23T09:37
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-06-24T04:24
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2018-06-27T20:25
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-07-02T02:29
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2018-07-06T18:09
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-07-06T20:37
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-07-10T14:06
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2018-07-11T17:54
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2018-07-16T07:27
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-07-19T13:56
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-07-21T14:57
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2018-07-24T19:20
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-07-26T10:37
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2018-07-27T19:18
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-07-30T19:39
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2018-08-01T02:44
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-08-03T23:00
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-08-07T03:49
看到上面留言都覺得果然是摩羯座阿 (超悲觀導向,害怕太幸
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-08-08T11:32
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-08-08T16:24
天啊..內容寫的也太美好 希望能實現
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-08-10T17:38
我覺得幸不幸福還得看以前付出的多少 大家加油

5/31 Daily Horoscope

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-05-30T20:08
You may be trying to take charge of a situation by exerting complete control. You may have planned every word and every mood, and you may have explored eve ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2018-05-30T11:56
想問一下大家 我跟這位魔羯男是在某個聯誼場合下認識 在當天聊天的過程中覺得這個人看起來很害羞(?) 不太會跟別人搭話, 一開始跟他聊天的時候也是回答很簡短 感覺不是不想跟我說話 只是不知道要如何說很多(?) 也有努力想話題要反問我(我覺得啦XD) 但我跟他聊了一陣子之後 他有主動跟我加賴 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-05-30T01:37
嗨大家好我是雙子女 今天有個小問題想尋求各位摩羯哥哥弟弟們 我有一個很欣賞的魔羯男 純粹是朋友的那種 當然可以進一步發展絕對是我賺到XDD 沒有也沒關係 他是香港人 我們對彼此印象都很好 他是很活潑對什麼事情都很好奇 有點搞笑也很紳士的男生 感覺也蠻會交朋友的 不過蠻低調的 很偶爾的偶爾才會發文 線索1 ...

5/30 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-05-30T00:13
今日運勢 2018 / 05 / 30 (三) 陰 今天會陷入自我世界裡,對於別人的話語不在意, 建議要集中注意力,以免引起不必要的誤會。 感情部分展現居家的一面,會讓另一半覺得你很迷人。 幸運色是白色。 來源:https://apps.facebook.com/daily-zodiac/zodi ...

5/30 Daily Horoscope

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-05-29T23:29
Someone you have had a conflict with, or maybe someone you see as a nemesis may actually become an ally very soon. Although this person may irritate you be ...