Everytime I Close My Eyes - 射手

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-02-15T01:56

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Everytime I Close My Eyes by Babyface

Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'
But I, I know that it's been worth the wait
It feels like springtime in winter
It feels like Christmas in June
It feels like heaven has opened up
its gates for me and you

And every time I close my eyes
I thank the Lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself 'cause I don't believe it's true
That someone like you loves me too, yeah

Girl, I think that you're truly somethin'
Yes, you are, and you're every bit of a dream come true
With you baby, it never rains and it's no wonder
The sun always shines when I'm near you
It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you

(repeat 1)

To think of all the nights I've cried myself to sleep
You really oughta know how much you mean to me
It's only right that you be in my life
Right here with me, oh baby, baby


不喜歡湊熱鬧 所以沒在情人節當天點

(聽那 喔~喔~喔~喔~喔~的轉音 啊~~~這才是R&B阿!!!!)


有女朋友的 對女朋友好一點吧!!

就像歌詞最後說的 "It's only right that you be in my life."

想想自己脾氣那麼怪 能找到接受我 願意了解又有耐性相處下去的真的難得

It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you

上帝的眷顧 或許吧 那上帝真的對我很好

放棄一些無謂的堅持 或者本性上的堅持 哄哄她 也沒那麼困難



不 天天都要比情人節快樂 !!

嫂子 叫我鬍子就好了 _()
▃▄▅▄ 我會很有禮貌的 ( ﹎﹎ )
§ ● ● = =

◥◤) ψmroscar 斗╯
| | 三明書局-你所不知道的關二哥

Tags: 射手

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-02-19T06:01
好棒的歌...祝你們長長久久... :)

[情報] 虎年好運到:虎年結婚運超旺的人?

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-02-15T01:41
※ [本文轉錄自 Zastrology 看板] 作者: OhmoriHarumi (黑魔導) 看板: Zastrology 標題: [情報] 虎年好運到:虎年結婚運超旺的人? 時間: Sun Feb 14 23:59:06 2010 2月14日虎年好運到:虎年結婚運超旺星座TOP3(參考太陽跟上昇 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-02-15T01:22
1、姓名或暱稱:寶咖咖 2、出生日期(西元年/月/日):1988/12/10 3、性別/血型:b/ab 4、居住地區(現在住在哪呢):台北 5、休閒興趣:小說 6、喜好/厭惡(事物):看海 7、喜歡/討厭(食物):基本上不挑不偏 8、特殊專長/拿手絕活:上課跟同學說晚安後30秒睡著... 9、 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-02-15T00:00
常常都是我在說甜話. ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-02-15T00:00
我射手座,但問題我有一個獅子座的男朋 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-02-15T00:00
射手座男生 對於另一伴的哪些行為 會讓他最討厭 受不暸 甚至於 漸漸遠離對方 以冷漠代替依切?
射手男會關心另一伴的私生活嗎?會關心與不關� ...