Horoscope for 2017 - 射手

By Emily
at 2017-03-30T22:28
at 2017-03-30T22:28
Table of Contents
好久不見 大家最近好嗎
那個啊 最近發生了很多事情
然後啊 我現在正在還國家的債
可能因為現在頭髮有點少的緣故 所以智商也降低了不少
好啦 首先呢
希望大家不要吝嗇 多給點鼓勵啊
因為這是年度運勢的關係 雖然拖得有點久
不過我還是雙手奉上給大家了 希望大家會喜歡
但是字多了點 會看得比較辛苦就是了
裡面也都寫得蠻詳細的 所以我就不多加註記了
由大家去看了之後 再各自解讀 我覺得這樣是比較好的
那我要來去潛水啦 大家慢看囉
What are you aiming for this year, Archer? Whatever it is, you stand an
excellent chance of getting it! That's because you paid your dues and
accepted the lessons that were offered to you over the last year. You are a
new person - you are your very best self. That doesn't necessarily mean that
there aren't still lessons to learn and dues to pay; because learning is a
lifelong experience. But you are in the perfect place right now to make major
strides toward the things you want most out of life. And luckily this year,
you will have the right opportunities to put your dreams into action. It is
the perfect storm of having the experience, the talent, and the opportunity
all at the same time. That means that your words are magic, your touch is
golden, and you have the power to heal yourself and reinvent yourself. You
may have begun to discover your purpose here on earth - or at least one of
your main purposes for being here - and you have started to explore that. In
2017 there will be chances to really immerse yourself deeply in whatever you
find yourself compelled to do, and you need to accept every opportunity you
can to fulfill your destiny. This is bound to be a really fabulous year for
you if you love yourself, take care of yourself, and are being persistent in
pursuing your dreams.
的付出,還有你接受了過去一整年的教訓。你是一個嶄新的人 - 你是最棒的。這並不一
重塑你自己。你可能已經開始發現你活著的意義 - 或至少你會在這的主要目的之一 - 而
Whereas last year you were a beautiful bud, this year you are in full bloom.
During the last twelve months you opened up slowly, learning more about
yourself and also gaining greater insight into other people. You have high
ideals where love and romance are concerned, and sometimes your expectations
are unrealistic. You want hearts and flowers and seamless communication, but
life isn't always that easy, Sagittarius, and you have come to recognize that
you need to be more flexible and to not have restrictive ideas about how love
should be. If you are attached, your love relationship probably grew
incredibly well over the last year, and hopefully you are both on the same
path now. If you experienced growth together, you can probably see a brighter
future filled with even more love and happiness. Continue to nurture this
relationship, to explore each other's needs and dreams in a non-judgmental
way, and you will continually strengthen your bond. If you are single, you
need to be more open to the people you meet. There may be someone you might
not ordinarily associate with who could be a terrific lover and companion for
you. If you have a specific list of requirements in person to fulfill and you
are not open to other options then you might not meet the person of your
dreams, Sagittarius because no such person exists. You should try to let go
and go with the flow. You never know to what pleasant surprises this may lead
Last year there may have been certain family relationships that were in
conflict, and at the time, in the heat of the moment, it could have seemed
that there was no hope for reconciliation, let alone a stronger, closer bond.
You may have given up on ever having that, and replaced the need for that
family connection with other relationships. Toward the end of the year,
however, you probably began to hope for more again, and as this year begins,
it can all start to come true. If no one from the other side has reached out
to you in some way, maybe you should be the one to make the first move. You
may be hopeful that this relationship can become what you have always hoped
it could be. The good news, Sagittarius, is that it can indeed be what you've
envisioned. This relationship is rich with possibility, and it is up to you
to keep working at it, nurturing it, and having the highest of hopes for it.
You will still face some ups and downs with certain family members, but you
have to remember that this is natural, and you must vow to always return to
that person with love and the hope that your connection will be strong and
that you are committed to making it so, Sagittarius.
Your work life was more active and maybe even more exciting in 2016. If it
was a bit stressful at times, there were certainly rewards along the way that
made it worth it. You probably learned a lot, and you likely made a lot of
wonderful connections. You may even have had a mentor who taught you
priceless lessons that you can use in the year ahead. If you find such a
person - try to hold on to them and make sure they stay in your life. That
mentor could play an even bigger role in your life in the coming year
Sagittarius. You will continue to learn from this person, but there may be a
new dimension to your relationship - such as a partnership of some sort or
this person could introduce you to other key people and help you forge good
relationships with them. This person could also lead you to an opportunity in
2017 that has the potential to change the course of your life in a very
positive way. In addition to this experience, you will have involvement from
many new people who will enhance your experience by sharing their own
important lessons with you. This year you will have the chance to make a lot
of progress toward the successful future you have dreamt of, but you may have
to commit yourself to longer hours and some stressful situations again. The
intensity of this phase will level out by mid-year, and by year end you could
start seeing everything seemingly running by itself, leaving you able to
relax more often and to enjoy a richer personal life. All in all, you can
pack a lot of momentum into 2017 if you are dedicated, and that will create a
great start for a successful path forward into your future.
果你找到這樣的一個人 - 試著抓緊他們並確保他們可以留在你的生活當中。射手,那位
去學習,然而可能對你們的關係來說是一個新的層面 - 像是某種夥伴的關係,或是這個
All Comments

By Freda
at 2017-04-02T15:29
at 2017-04-02T15:29

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-04-03T18:45
at 2017-04-03T18:45

By Ophelia
at 2017-04-04T19:39
at 2017-04-04T19:39

By Andy
at 2017-04-09T18:47
at 2017-04-09T18:47

By Hamiltion
at 2017-04-12T18:18
at 2017-04-12T18:18

By Jacob
at 2017-04-15T00:24
at 2017-04-15T00:24

By Hedda
at 2017-04-17T00:26
at 2017-04-17T00:26

By Ina
at 2017-04-20T21:31
at 2017-04-20T21:31

By Carolina Franco
at 2017-04-25T09:33
at 2017-04-25T09:33

By Dora
at 2017-04-26T01:12
at 2017-04-26T01:12

By Hedda
at 2017-04-29T21:16
at 2017-04-29T21:16

By Yuri
at 2017-04-30T11:56
at 2017-04-30T11:56

By Ula
at 2017-04-30T13:50
at 2017-04-30T13:50

By Anonymous
at 2017-05-04T14:47
at 2017-05-04T14:47

By Kama
at 2017-05-05T22:35
at 2017-05-05T22:35

By Michael
at 2017-05-09T11:18
at 2017-05-09T11:18

By Barb Cronin
at 2017-05-12T08:38
at 2017-05-12T08:38

By David
at 2017-05-15T01:46
at 2017-05-15T01:46

By Franklin
at 2017-05-18T19:04
at 2017-05-18T19:04

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-05-23T05:54
at 2017-05-23T05:54

By Necoo
at 2017-05-25T14:58
at 2017-05-25T14:58

By Tracy
at 2017-05-26T18:41
at 2017-05-26T18:41

By Yuri
at 2017-05-29T17:34
at 2017-05-29T17:34

By Heather
at 2017-06-03T14:26
at 2017-06-03T14:26

By Ina
at 2017-06-07T11:18
at 2017-06-07T11:18

By Bethany
at 2017-06-10T18:54
at 2017-06-10T18:54

By Lucy
at 2017-06-12T11:02
at 2017-06-12T11:02

By Xanthe
at 2017-06-12T18:43
at 2017-06-12T18:43

By Erin
at 2017-06-17T13:59
at 2017-06-17T13:59

By Yuri
at 2017-06-19T01:59
at 2017-06-19T01:59

By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-06-20T21:19
at 2017-06-20T21:19
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