Sagittarius horoscope for May 9 2015 - 射手
By Joseph
at 2015-05-08T21:38
at 2015-05-08T21:38
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Sagittarius horoscope for May 9 2015
Someone in your inner circle may see your difficulty in making a decision as
a sign of flakiness, flightiness, or even weakness.
However, Sagittarius, it is precisely the opposite.
You take your time to make sure you are seeing the complete reality of a
situation, and that you aren't fooling yourself in any way.
Don't listen to anyone who has something negative to say or you could wind up
questioning your hard-won choice or decision.
You know what you're doing, so don't give too much weight to someone else's
inner circle 核心集團
flakiness (n) 片狀;片層分裂
flightiness (n) 輕浮;瘋狂
weakness (n) 虛弱;弱點
precisely (adv) 精確地
opposite (n) 對立物
fool (v) 愚弄;欺騙
wind up 結束
hard-won (adj) 難得的;來之不易的
outlook (n) 景色;觀點
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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You may be in a highly emotional state right now, Sagittarius, but you are
probably trying to keep it all inside.
You could be afraid that if you let even a little bit of it out that you will
explode with emotion.
Even though you are doing a good job at denying what you are feeling, those
who care about you can sense it.
You may find that if you choose a trusted confidante to talk to, you will
discover that what you are facing really isn't so bad after all.
Someone in your inner circle may see your difficulty in making a decision as
a sign of flakiness, flightiness, or even weakness.
However, Sagittarius, it is precisely the opposite.
You take your time to make sure you are seeing the complete reality of a
situation, and that you aren't fooling yourself in any way.
Don't listen to anyone who has something negative to say or you could wind up
questioning your hard-won choice or decision.
You know what you're doing, so don't give too much weight to someone else's
inner circle 核心集團
flakiness (n) 片狀;片層分裂
flightiness (n) 輕浮;瘋狂
weakness (n) 虛弱;弱點
precisely (adv) 精確地
opposite (n) 對立物
fool (v) 愚弄;欺騙
wind up 結束
hard-won (adj) 難得的;來之不易的
outlook (n) 景色;觀點
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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You may be in a highly emotional state right now, Sagittarius, but you are
probably trying to keep it all inside.
You could be afraid that if you let even a little bit of it out that you will
explode with emotion.
Even though you are doing a good job at denying what you are feeling, those
who care about you can sense it.
You may find that if you choose a trusted confidante to talk to, you will
discover that what you are facing really isn't so bad after all.
All Comments
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