The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2019-05-30T11:36

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Someone else's mistake or lack of experience may have resulted in a problem or
a challenge you are now facing. You may be tempted to point the finger of bla
me, Aquarius, and try to hold that person accountable for their actions, even
if the issue was not intentional. But that might be a waste of your time. If t
his person knew how to avoid the problem in the first place, they probably wou
ld have done so. Deal with it yourself pleasantly and patiently. Be kind. You
can impart a valuable lesson here.

其他人的錯誤或缺乏經驗可能會導致您現在面臨的問題或挑戰。 你可能會想要指責對方
,水瓶座,並試圖讓那個人對他們的行為負責,即使問題不是故意的。 但這可能會浪費
你的時間。 如果這個人知道如何避免這個問題,他們可能早就這樣做。 愉快而耐心地處
理它。 善待一切。 你可以在這里傳授寶貴的一課。

Tags: 水瓶

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-05-29T09:27
You may have gotten involved in something recently where you were led to belie ve you would have a lot more control or at least a good level of control. Bu ...

2019/05/29 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2019-05-28T22:26
水瓶座 晴時多雲 今天的口舌是非多半來自你的心直口快,遇到有心人要曲解你的話會很危險,所以不熟的 人面前講話要注意。感情方面你說的話沒那麼嚴重,對方聽起來很刺耳是因為你沒顧慮他 的心情,要多觀察對方。 幸運色是紅色。 - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2019-05-28T13:45
認識瓶女大概半年左右 最近幾個月開始熟稔 我知道水瓶跟大家都是好朋友 所以我也不知道現在 進度到哪去了... ------------------- 1.通訊軟體聊天有秒回也有一段時間才回,但基本上我不敲她,她不會主動找我。 2.願意分享自己的家人,與前男友的事情...她本人表明不太喜歡跟人分享自己 ...

2019/05/28 唐綺陽每日星座運勢

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2019-05-27T19:34
水瓶座 陰天 今天容易遇到不合拍的人,大家品味、想法不同,溝通起來話不投機半句多,建議把它當 作另一種意見。感情方面你喜歡的類型不見得注意到你,但你沒那麼喜歡的人卻很想接近 你,也是受歡迎的證明。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

2019/05/27 The Daily Horoscope

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2019-05-27T10:03
Something you say in the heat of anger may reflect what you are feeling at the moment but might not capture the pure truth that you feel after youand#39;v ...