The Daily Horoscope - 水瓶

By Hedwig
at 2019-05-30T11:36
at 2019-05-30T11:36
Table of Contents
Someone else's mistake or lack of experience may have resulted in a problem or
a challenge you are now facing. You may be tempted to point the finger of bla
me, Aquarius, and try to hold that person accountable for their actions, even
if the issue was not intentional. But that might be a waste of your time. If t
his person knew how to avoid the problem in the first place, they probably wou
ld have done so. Deal with it yourself pleasantly and patiently. Be kind. You
can impart a valuable lesson here.
其他人的錯誤或缺乏經驗可能會導致您現在面臨的問題或挑戰。 你可能會想要指責對方
,水瓶座,並試圖讓那個人對他們的行為負責,即使問題不是故意的。 但這可能會浪費
你的時間。 如果這個人知道如何避免這個問題,他們可能早就這樣做。 愉快而耐心地處
理它。 善待一切。 你可以在這里傳授寶貴的一課。
a challenge you are now facing. You may be tempted to point the finger of bla
me, Aquarius, and try to hold that person accountable for their actions, even
if the issue was not intentional. But that might be a waste of your time. If t
his person knew how to avoid the problem in the first place, they probably wou
ld have done so. Deal with it yourself pleasantly and patiently. Be kind. You
can impart a valuable lesson here.
其他人的錯誤或缺乏經驗可能會導致您現在面臨的問題或挑戰。 你可能會想要指責對方
,水瓶座,並試圖讓那個人對他們的行為負責,即使問題不是故意的。 但這可能會浪費
你的時間。 如果這個人知道如何避免這個問題,他們可能早就這樣做。 愉快而耐心地處
理它。 善待一切。 你可以在這里傳授寶貴的一課。
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