The DailyHoroscope Compatibility -天秤 - 巨蟹

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2015-06-12T00:48

Table of Contents

Cancer and Libra compatibility chart:
The relationship between the two of you is bound to grow and develop because
both of your signs are cardinal. Your sensitiveness and emotions can blend
well with the social and cognitive prowess of Libra. No matter what gender,
Libras have the ability to attract others with their natural grace and charm.
Libra can easily get bored if things seem to become lacklustre. Therefore it
is necessary for you to keep your partner always interested and have
something to look forward to. You are more comfortable in a domestic setting
while Libra is a go-getter and can be all over the place. Money is also a
major issue for Libra, who is somewhat materialistic. Misunderstandings may
appear because of Libra's liberal nature, which is in contrast to the nature
of Cancer, who is quiet and has a reclusive disposition. Libra is likely to
consider you as a setback to their lifestyle and ambition. This could be
remedied by doing things that will involve the two of you. Libra may take
this well because it is something that can keep the relationship moving to
greater heights. Since the two signs correspond to feminine planets (Venus
and Moon), there is likely to be great intimacy involved in the relationship.

Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic



Tags: 巨蟹

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-06-13T06:02
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-06-13T09:49
很準 推TT

2015/06/12(五) 唐立淇每日星座運勢

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-06-12T00:20
2015 / 06 / 12 (五) 巨蟹座今日運勢 晴時多雲 今天你會匆匆忙忙,且每件事都得親力親為,建議先寫下計劃表、按表操課。 家人相處建議你放任一下,以免他們會覺得你很獨裁。 感情與另一半的關係最好以柔性為訴求,避免一直教導對方 ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-06-11T21:31
之前有在甲板PO文... 小弟有個很好的朋友(男生) 對他的感覺一開始是友情,後來就不知不覺越來越喜歡他,越來越依賴他 然而最近他交了女朋友 雖然他嘴巴上說還是把我當成好朋友 但我不知道是不是因為巨蟹座的個性使然 開始有以下的行為.. 1. 一直問他 我還重不重要? 你還在乎我嗎? (一個人的晚 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-06-11T21:18
外婆有神經病 雖然她不承認 雖然我也是覺得她是本性很壞,不是有病 總之她一直幻想說我晚上要去學校上課,她有很多小劇場 她一直叫我快點出門,不然會被外面的野狗咬死 (不誇張,她是用咒的) 一直要我快點走 一直要我快點走 一直要我快點走 我是能去哪裡......... 她上次還要我乾 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2015-06-11T19:48
我的星座是: 巨蟹 與對方的關係: 也許曖昧 [追求中 交往中 挽回中 暗戀中 ...等] 想請問大家的問題是: 最近幾個月跟一隻公蟹很糾結的曖昧 相處模式已經很像情人 但彼此都沒問出口... 剛開始 我有試著問他我們之前關係算什麼 他說他目前很忙 現在的他不適合談戀愛(但那時的我們已經親吻了...) 他 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-06-11T14:04
匆匆的一個禮拜又要過了!!! 看著不同人有著不同的煩惱, 就覺得好累, 雖然都不是自己的事, 但多愁善感的巨蟹總是會想 如果這樣的事發生在自己身上會如何? 能學會處理問題的能力andamp;處理事情的態度 就發覺自己成長了不少, 有著超厚的臉皮andamp;憨人的勇氣 總是會發現很好笑好玩的事!!! 生命都 ...