Virgo horoscope for 1月 20 - 26日 - 處女

By Hedda
at 2020-01-20T23:20
at 2020-01-20T23:20
Table of Contents
Virgo horoscope for 1月 20 - 1月 26
You may have a strong desire to collaborate with someone this week on a
project that is near and dear to your heart. While you may have had a plan to
do this independently, Virgo, you may encounter someone who shares your
vision and has the same goal that is so important to you. Don't be afraid to
reach out and express how you feel to this person about partnering up,
because you may find that they reciprocate your feelings. A relationship that
is important to you may be taking a long time to grow closer, even though you
wish you could form a stronger bond more quickly. But this is not a
reflection of anyone's desire to remain distant. This may be more about the
kind of person this is, and they may prefer to move slowly for fear of
rejection or making a mistake. Just enjoy the time spent together and
continue to build a foundation for future closeness. This week may offer you
a pivotal chance to grow a bit closer in a significant way. If you have an
important decision to make, this is not the best week to make that decision.
It is, however, a perfect time to gather information, weigh options, and look
introspectively at what will be best for you. You should be ready soon to
move forward on this with great confidence.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
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儘管你心裡早就有所定見,想要獨自操作這個計畫, 但你可能會遇上一個和你有相同目標的人,而
且你想向他分享自己的觀點 ,因為你希望和他一起完成目標。
不要害怕表達出自己的感覺, 因為你可能發現他在乎你的感受。
You may have a strong desire to collaborate with someone this week on a
project that is near and dear to your heart. While you may have had a plan to
do this independently, Virgo, you may encounter someone who shares your
vision and has the same goal that is so important to you. Don't be afraid to
reach out and express how you feel to this person about partnering up,
because you may find that they reciprocate your feelings. A relationship that
is important to you may be taking a long time to grow closer, even though you
wish you could form a stronger bond more quickly. But this is not a
reflection of anyone's desire to remain distant. This may be more about the
kind of person this is, and they may prefer to move slowly for fear of
rejection or making a mistake. Just enjoy the time spent together and
continue to build a foundation for future closeness. This week may offer you
a pivotal chance to grow a bit closer in a significant way. If you have an
important decision to make, this is not the best week to make that decision.
It is, however, a perfect time to gather information, weigh options, and look
introspectively at what will be best for you. You should be ready soon to
move forward on this with great confidence.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
Download it now —
儘管你心裡早就有所定見,想要獨自操作這個計畫, 但你可能會遇上一個和你有相同目標的人,而
且你想向他分享自己的觀點 ,因為你希望和他一起完成目標。
不要害怕表達出自己的感覺, 因為你可能發現他在乎你的感受。
All Comments

By Necoo
at 2020-01-22T20:30
at 2020-01-22T20:30
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