Virgo horoscope for 8月 30日 - 9月 5日 - 處女

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-08-29T00:39

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Virgo horoscope for 8月 30日 - 9月 5日






This week, focus on clearing out any burdens or obligations you are carrying that don't bring you anything in return. This does not mean the many ways you help others, unless this does not bring you joy or a sense of doing good. Concentrate on things you have stumbled into that were meant to be temporary but never ended, or focus on situations you were cornered into that have brought nothing of value to your life. You need more joy in your life, and clearing out space for joy is essential. Make this a
priority in the days ahead, Virgo.

You may have spent some time recently thinking a lot about your image and how others see you. If you feel there is room for improvement, look into the ways you can make yourself feel better about you. This might be accomplished through a more exquisite wardrobe, a more confident stance, or even a happier countenance. Try to see yourself as others see you, and work on bringing out your best self. Someone you may see as offbeat or just not your type of person may approach you this week, or if you already
know them, they might attempt to get closer to you. Give this person a chance. Adding new and different personalities to your circle of friends is a way to broaden your horizons and see the world in a bigger way.

(Copyright to DailyHoroscope,translated by Kelsie)

Tags: 處女

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Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2021-08-29T00:00
殺破狼占星12星座週運勢部份,與udn聯合新聞網合作, 請勿任意轉載、盜用文字內容,會被udn追究法律責任喔。 請大家參考時,注意版權問題。感謝大家! 參考:太陽星座、上升星座 本週星相: *8月30日,水星進入天秤座,有關婚姻制度、伴侶關係、合作夥伴、敵人… ...

Virgo horoscope for 星期日 8月 29日

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-08-28T23:15
Virgo horoscope for 星期日 8月 29日 翻譯: 對於某個重要的人,你可能正在喪失你的耐心。你其實花了很多的時間才意識到這一點,而且這給了你很多壓力。 你所處的狀況是可被理解的,不過你可能已經承受了許多遠超過一般人能忍受的。 儘管如此,你需要坐下來,冷靜一下,並且觀察一陣子。你可 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2021-08-28T20:34
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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2021-08-28T08:00
大家好 最近已學紫微斗數一年多。想收集處女座的命盤,看看是否可用紫微斗數可以找到處女座個性(大原則)的關聯性。 當然首選8/24,因為我自己就是這天出生,可以讓我更加精準分析,跟我同一天的出生人,個性是否會接近或是差異很大?! 若是願意提供命例的人,我願意以您個人的紫微斗數命盤,幫你論命,以做為回饋。(任 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2021-08-28T01:00
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