Virgo horoscope for Apr 22 2017 - 處女

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-04-21T16:18

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Virgo horoscope for Apr 22 2017

If you dive into a pool without knowing how deep the water is, you could put y
ourself in danger. If the pool is at least six feet deep, you'll probably be o
kay if you're an accomplished swimmer. But if the pool is only four feet deep,
no matter how well you dive, you could injure yourself terribly. It's pretty
simple. You may be diving into something now without knowing enough about what
you're diving into. You may be hoping you will get lucky and that everything
will work out, Virgo. But it would be wise to play it safe. There would be no
harm in exploring before you take that leap.
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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-04-25T00:52
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-04-27T21:44
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2017-05-02T06:04


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-04-21T15:54
我是一個天秤女,跟處女男(以下以R代稱)其實已經認識7個年頭了,以下文長。 一開始R是我前任的學長,所以就只是單單的當做普通朋友,自己就沒有覺得有什麼曖昧 的感覺。 跟前任分手後,斷斷續續R會主動私訊我或是打當時的亞太找我聊天到早上,有嘴炮過要 不要當他女友,不過我也只是當他嘴炮,就沒有太在意。 中間R ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2017-04-21T00:28
處女座今日運勢 陰天 ◢ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◢ 今天總是會遇到阻礙,讓事情無法順利進行,建議要有耐心去處理才行。 感情部分若雙方的信念不同,可能濃情會慢慢轉淡。 幸運色是綠色。 - ...

Virgo horoscope for Apr 21 2017

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-04-21T00:10
Virgo horoscope for Apr 21 2017 Is there a chasm between you and someone you want to be close to, Virgo? Can you see across the gap, but you donand#39;t kn ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-04-20T00:12
處女座今日運勢 雨天 ◢ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◢ / / 】 // / / 今天和工作夥伴要做好事前的協調再行動,否則會各行其事而有浪費時間的狀況。 感情方面雙方的時間無法配合,因此不要互相勉強比較好。 幸運色是黑色。 - ...

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