Virgo horoscope for Monday Jun 19 - 處女

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-06-18T23:18

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Virgo horoscope for Monday Jun 19
You are coming close to the realization of a goal now, Virgo,
but the finish line may not look exactly as you had pictured it.
The success you imagined may be completely different from
what you thought it would be,
and that may be causing you to wonder if it has any value at all.
You've worked so hard to get here, that this disappointment seems unfair.
But what you may not have yet considered is that
what you are getting is actually far better than what you asked for. Give it a chance.
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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-06-22T12:00
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-06-26T18:26
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2017-06-28T21:23

Virgo horoscope for Jun 18 2017

John avatar
By John
at 2017-06-18T10:49
Virgo horoscope for Jun 18 2017 It may be time to de-clutter some area of your life. You may be feeling crowde d in some way, Virgo, and that could be cau ...

Virgo horoscope for Saturday Jun 17

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2017-06-17T00:38
Virgo horoscope for Saturday Jun 17 Your serious, practical and responsible nature may draw an admirer today who c an lead you to a big opportunity. This ...

唐立淇每日星座運勢06/17 18處女座運勢

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-06-17T00:02
處女座今日運勢 晴天 ◢ ▼ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◆ ˙ ˙ ◆ ◥▼◤ ◥ ▲ ◤ 週末可以和討厭的人達成共識,彼此有修復關係的機會。 感情方面有反敗為勝的情形,例如:可以打敗其他的競爭者或讓另一半以你為主。 幸運色是綠色。 -- - ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2017-06-16T12:12
先說明一下背景: 我本身是魔羯男,想要追同職場上的處女女,前一兩個月有個機緣和她共事,相談甚歡 (也許是我單方面認為),當時聊了很多關於她的事情,她也都侃侃而談,沒有太多保留 ,講起話來也都是笑笑的,感覺不會排斥跟我聊天。後來我漸漸找機會關心她,因為她 工作關係,這陣子必須要參與考試,我都會問她狀況如何,也會 ...

處女男 忍痛分手

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-06-16T00:27
最近跟處女男有了一些交戰 其實過程中很能感受到處女男的愛 (他追我比較多) 但因為最近一連串的事情 處女男犯了一些錯 (偷吃前任、說謊跟前任沒見面等) 全都是處女男的錯 在吵架時我對他說了一些重話 他說很傷人 因為在他心裡他覺得他自己真的不是那樣的人 然後就說就當朋友吧 不是怪我 是怪認 ...