Virgo horoscope for Oct 14 2016 - 處女

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2016-10-14T00:30

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Virgo horoscope for Oct 14 2016
Someone may put you on the spot today,
Virgo, in a way that seems disrespectful or inconsiderate.
You could easily become angry and choose not to talk to that person or,
worse, you might want to lash out and speak your mind.
But If you use this moment of awkwardness to turn the tables and to prove what a gentle,
thoughtful, intelligent person you are,
you will leave a powerfully positive impression on someone who is there to witness what transpires.
Take the high road.
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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2016-10-18T21:59

Virgo horoscope for Oct 13 2016

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-10-13T00:17
Virgo horoscope for Oct 13 2016 In the 1960s the late actress, Patty Duke played identical cousins - one who was quite proper and conservative, and one wh ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-10-12T17:06
直接跟你說 沒救了~~~ 因為 對就是對 錯就是錯 人生沒必要過得這麼痛苦~~~~(好奇怪歐~~我也剛好是k先生)xd 我不知道別人~~ 但我個人本來就不結黨結派 我在的公司 有台灣人 有中國人 我兩邊誰都不想討好~~ 連老闆也直接跟他在辦公室對罵!! 這個社會 因有所堅持 才會更好~~不然不 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-10-12T10:39
※ 引述《cedbls3025 (終わりの始まり)》之銘言: : 各位處女板眾安安 : 小弟有一事求教各位 : 小弟先簡述一下目前狀況 : 這個處女男(暫且叫他K先生好了,再簡稱為K) : K是我的好友兼直屬長官 : 前些日子我被人圍剿時 : 只有K獨排眾議在眾人面前不畏壓力據理力爭 : 後來我跟了他幫他做事 ...

Virgo horoscope for Oct 12 2016

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-10-12T00:10
Virgo horoscope for Oct 12 2016 You may be feeling unloved, unappreciated, and perhaps even unnoticed by the world lately, Virgo. It may seem that all your ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-10-11T23:10
最近發現一個處女男有些怪異的行為舉止、還請版上大大們幫我解答了m(_ _)m 1.會時常在我附近繞來繞去、然後把不屬於我工作範圍的東西放在我旁邊、過一會又再過 來把它拿走(先生、我的工作空間已經很窄了好嗎?) 2.有時經過我身旁、會跟我有肢體上的接觸、例如擦到手臂、這時我會看一下是誰、就看 這處女男若無其 ...