Virgo horoscope for Oct 30 2016 - 處女

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2016-10-30T16:07

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Virgo horoscope for Oct 30 2016
You may be able to see all sides of a particular issue today, Virgo,
but it's still very hard for you to side with or encourage one of those sides.
Someone may make an impassioned pitch to you to get you to understand,
not realizing that you do understand;
you just don't agree.
You will either have to agree to disagree,
or you will have to walk away.
Most likely this individual isn't going to accept a "no" or your disapproval for an answer,
and may persist in bugging you.
Walking away may turn out to be your only option.
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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-10-31T02:34


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-10-28T14:29
一切來的真的很突然, 一切就像是那篇文章and#34;處女男的陰暗面and#34;講得一樣, 我真的覺得我就像是他人生拼圖的一部分, 我一直告訴自己,雖是等待他也不要強迫他, 我不想要他不開心不快樂, 所以如果到那一天,他開始想規畫以後的人生, 那麼我一定要好好的支持他, 只是我不知道他的開始,就是規劃自己的 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-10-28T14:24
我是處女女andgt; andlt; 一個多月前被喜歡的學長告知:『一直覺得還是應該早點跟你說才好,其實我現在有在交 往對象,所以像課業專業上的問題我都可以跟你聊,但比較私人間像朋友般的話題很抱歉 我無法再回應你了......』 在五月因為作業關係和對方相處一個月多逐漸欣賞對方產生好感,六月中得知對方和女友 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-10-28T10:42
※ 引述《orca4266 (大臣三號)》之銘言: : 有點不知道要怎麼下標題,一切都是庸人自擾啊...唉..... : 講講問題前先讓我講講我跟我的家人吧 : 我是處女女B型,我從小就跟媽媽相處不太好,媽媽雙子座,我很容易想太多,要說心思 : 細膩或鑽牛角尖都可以,但雙子就是那樣嗎,一付你有病嗎的鄙視我這種 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-10-28T00:23
學歷是醫學院畢業,職業是大醫 ...

Virgo horoscope for Oct 28 2016

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2016-10-28T00:06
Virgo horoscope for Oct 28 2016 You can be the best sailor in the world with many years of maritime experience, but if the wind isnand#39;t blowing you won ...