Virgo horoscope for 星期五 7月 31日 - 處女

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2020-07-30T22:05

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Just because things are acceptable and you are relatively content in a
relationship or some other kind of a partnership, does not mean that you
shouldn't want more. You would not be greedy for expecting more than what
others might consider "good enough," dear Virgo. Your aim is always high, but
in a current situation, you may be willing to accept less than you feel you
can and should have because of peer opinion. Give voice to what you feel, or
you can't expect "more" to just fall into your lap. When you make your
feelings known, only then can you get what you really want and need. And
don't let others talk you into accepting anything less.
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Tags: 處女

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-08-02T01:46
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2020-08-05T14:53
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2020-08-08T22:50
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2020-08-11T23:46

認識七年的處男- 旅行中

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2020-07-29T12:57
旅行到了中途 我很肯定跟他在一起的話不需要太多的磨合 認識十多年的學長週日跟他吃過飯後對他非常讚賞 告訴我如果選擇跟他在一起(因為有另一個男生一直在追我 處女男也知道) 我肯定不用太操心 也會被照顧的很好 跟他不間斷地相處了五天 有說不完的話 即便沈默 在同一個空間忙各自的事情 也不覺得沈悶 尷尬 節儉又 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2020-07-29T01:38
處女座今日運勢 雨天 ◢ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◢ / / 】 // / 今天適合悶著頭自己做,或旁邊雜音多,遇到要怎麼不影響效率的處理他、告訴自己別被 影響,這點很考驗修行。 感情方面兩人需要遠程目標,比如多久存多少錢、未來要去哪旅行, 規劃讓你們充 ...

Virgo horoscope for 星期三 7月 29日

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2020-07-28T20:46
希望發薪日快點到 感謝「處女之友」瓶男 atz5411,堡堡愛你。 A burst of confidence could come to you today from someone who is usually quite critical. This should fill you up with a ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2020-07-28T01:46
處女座今日運勢 晴時多雲 ◢ ▼ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◆ ˙__˙◢ ◣ ◥◢ ◣ ◥◢ 今天面臨命運交叉點,譬如某件事有契機,機會擺在眼前,要鼓起勇氣努力爭取, 重點是不能害羞,猶豫機會就會被拿走。 感情方面有翻盤機會,若希望扭轉局勢請好好爭取,這天 ...

Virgo horoscope for 星期二 7月 28日

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2020-07-27T21:44
Even though someoneand#39;s negative prediction canand#39;t actually cause something to go wrong in your life, it can leave you feeling nervous, worried, a ...