Virgo horoscope for 星期五 8月 7日 - 處女

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2020-08-06T21:01

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The odds may seem to be against you in a current endeavor, dear Virgo. This
may be a challenging time for you - but it is also a time of growth and
validation. You will have chances to see what you are made of and how
resilient you are. So, even though the odds may appear to be stacked against
you - and you may be in a situation you would never consciously choose - you
are clever enough to make it work for you instead of against you. Don't even
think about failing. You won't if you remain optimistic and persevere.
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Tags: 處女

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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2020-08-11T05:53
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2020-08-13T14:05
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2020-08-16T10:34
論文寫的好累 有被鼓勵到~ 謝謝
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2020-08-19T19:02
小事小事 好說好說

Virgo horoscope for 星期三 8月 5日

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2020-08-04T20:17
You may feel that the energy and lust for life that have been slowly evaporating are being restored in you, Virgo. You may have started to feel a bit deple ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2020-08-04T03:46
處女座今日運勢 晴時多雲 ◢ ▼ ◣ ◢ ◣ ◆ ˙__˙◢ ◣ ◥◢ ◣ ◥◢ 今天工作上要停看聽,以靜制動會更有力量,某些方案請再想想怎樣才能更完美。 感情方面到了該評估的時候,譬如你努力很久,有些事叮嚀很多遍, 建議先看效果如何,而不是一 ...

Virgo horoscope for 星期二 8月 4日

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2020-08-03T20:46
You are well aware of how you excel at something, Virgo. This may be a natural-born talent for which you feel you canand#39;t take any credit. But despite ...

Alex是大叔 08/03~08/09 處女座本週運

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2020-08-03T09:03
太陽或上升處女座:你正在從對某個人,某件事的失望情緒中掙扎出來,當然你會反覆暗 示自己,沒關係,也不是重要的事情,也是能理解的,但你內心的真實想法是有不甘心的 ,或者看錯人的念頭。在本週,請你丟棄這樣的認知吧,不要專注在他人或者檢討自己“ 看走眼”。因爲本週還有很多重要的事情以及提升自己的機會在等待著自己。滿 ...

daily horoscope 08/03

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2020-08-03T08:12
There is an intensity about you now , Virgo , perhaps because you are laser-fo cused on some issue that needs your immediate attention and all of your brai ...