Weekly Horoscope 01/24-01/30 - 事業

By Jack
at 2022-01-25T13:09
at 2022-01-25T13:09
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Weekly Horoscope for 01/24-01/30
If you start to feel like you have taken on too much at the start of the week,
then toss some of it to someone else. That may seem like too easy of a soluti
on, Taurus, since your burden seems heavier and more complicated than that. Bu
t really, it comes down to finding the right help and a willingness in your ow
n spirit to delegate. Try to see yourself as a manager or a boss, because ther
e are others out there who will also benefit from the tasks you have committed
to, so involve them. In a conversation with a partner that may be a continuat
ion from another conversation that was never completed, stick to the facts and
just the facts. Don't involve feelings. Don't involve blame. Just paint a pic
ture of what currently exists and what it needs to be. Putting it that way wil
l help you to avoid resentment and to simply figure out what you have to do to
get things going in the right direction. Set yourself up for success this wee
k by fully exploring a new venture you have in mind. This is not meant to be d
iscouraging, Taurus. This is just encouraging you to be fully mindful of what'
s involved, so you are prepared to hit the ground running.
burden 負擔;責任
delegate 委託;委派;授權
resentment 怨恨
Weekly Horoscope for 01/24-01/30
If you start to feel like you have taken on too much at the start of the week,
then toss some of it to someone else. That may seem like too easy of a soluti
on, Taurus, since your burden seems heavier and more complicated than that. Bu
t really, it comes down to finding the right help and a willingness in your ow
n spirit to delegate. Try to see yourself as a manager or a boss, because ther
e are others out there who will also benefit from the tasks you have committed
to, so involve them. In a conversation with a partner that may be a continuat
ion from another conversation that was never completed, stick to the facts and
just the facts. Don't involve feelings. Don't involve blame. Just paint a pic
ture of what currently exists and what it needs to be. Putting it that way wil
l help you to avoid resentment and to simply figure out what you have to do to
get things going in the right direction. Set yourself up for success this wee
k by fully exploring a new venture you have in mind. This is not meant to be d
iscouraging, Taurus. This is just encouraging you to be fully mindful of what'
s involved, so you are prepared to hit the ground running.
burden 負擔;責任
delegate 委託;委派;授權
resentment 怨恨
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