Weekly Horoscope 01/30 - 02/06 - 金牛

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2022-02-01T21:12

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Weekly Horoscope 01/30 - 02/06
A social quagmire may occupy your thoughts during the first part of the week,
Taurus. You need to go easy on yourself, though, because it isn't as big a pro
blem as you may think. Someone may be overreacting to something that was said
or done, but they really need to just let it go. Until they do, just wait for
the dust to clear and it will be forgotten. There is an important conversation
you need to have with someone in your family - possibly a mate, but more like
ly a sibling or even a parent. You have been putting this off because you don'
t want to stir up trouble, but if you don't say anything, it could become a re
al problem. Just be candid and direct, and don't make it bigger than it is in
the way you explain things. You should be feeling very hopeful about a new end
eavor, possibly related to work. If you don't yet feel those positive vibes, t
hen you need to work up some enthusiasm. Your thoughts and your words carve yo
ur path through life, for good or not so good, and you can make this great if
you work at it. Be the boss of your destiny.
quagmire 沼澤;泥沼
sibling 兄弟姐妹
enthusiasm 熱情;熱忱

Tags: 金牛

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Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2022-02-04T10:30

Daily Horoscope 02/01

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2022-02-01T00:47
在某個不確定的狀況下,迷霧正在散去。 給自己一個免於擔憂的自由,阿牛,那正是你需要的。雖然某個剛開始的局面看起來有點 混亂,但你需要相信真相正在浮現,前進的道路將會更加明顯。在那道路出現前保持放鬆 吧。如果你試著專注在一個還沒完全確認的狀況,那對你沒有任何好處。但它會的,只要 保持警覺,並對你將要開始學習的事 ...

2022/02/01 唐綺陽/晴時多雲

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2022-02-01T00:30
晴時多雲 今天會出現兩難,也許事情和私人約會撞期,如何分配時間、精力是關鍵,可以找高人給 予指引方向。感情方面會陷入兩難,兩種抉擇讓你陷入煩惱,但也是幸福的負擔。幸運色 是黃色。 - ...

Alex是大叔 01/31~02/06 金牛座本週運

William avatar
By William
at 2022-01-31T08:42
太陽或上升金牛座:春節快樂。太陽跟天王星出現的互動,讓你本能的想要抵觸一些人, 或者逃避一些事情,可能有人來找你確認某件事的真實性,或者有人真的來質問你一些什 麼,如果你覺得這種方式不舒服,可以拒絕回應對方。另外,在上半週,可能有遺留的工 作任務或者學習任務要你處理,可能是要修改,或者要處理文書,會議內容等。 ...

Daily Horoscope 2022/01/31

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-01-31T01:25
一個選擇正在你的頭上隱約可見,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。你可能會感到越來越封 閉,因為你正掙扎著要做出一個決定。問題是你無法決定哪個選項是最好的,甚至無法決 定自己是否喜歡這些選擇。但等一下吧,阿牛。你的壓力從何而來?並沒有死線壓在你身 上。當你覺得自己該做些什麼時,就創造了恐懼的空間來給自己壓力,但也許你 ...

2022/01/31 唐綺陽/打雷閃電

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2022-01-31T00:00
打雷閃電 今天很多人來請託,讓你很難拒絕,導致要把精力分散去幫助他人。感情方面雖然施比受 更有福,但是若對方索求無度,建議還是要放手比較好。幸運色是藍色。 新年快樂!虎虎生風!^_^ - ...